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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

June 26, 2020


It's been a good week. The weather cooperated enough for me to get a couple of days of yard work, including getting the torch out and burning some dried grass. It was almost too dry to do that and I got a couple of fires going before deciding it would be best to have the water hose handy just in case.

Collage Speaking of gardens and such, I was really bummed out yesterday, when I found out that someone had climbed over the locked gate at the community garden and trashed all the vegetable beds. I managed to save the Marigolds and one tomato plant. I will have to replant my beans, cucumbers, pumpkins and carrots. Who would do that? We have our suspicions but of course we have no proof. Hopefully, since it is early in the season, I can replant the stuff that I lost and it should still be okay.

I had a Park and Rec. work party get-together and had three new people show up who were interested in helping. We met at the park and I gave a little history of the park and a walk about. We were supposed to meet last Wednesday, but it rained, so postponed it for today. The park is really in need of some tender loving care.

Collage Dave had a nice Father's Day. Leslie and her whole family - including Sterling the Silver Lab were here. Jason's mother Connie came with them. They had taken their new camper to Warrenton to go clamming and then came by here for a visit. Lara also came and so the whole family (except for Lara's girls) was here to help old Pappy celebrate his day. Ashtin and Paige had to show off their new tattoos; Ashtin's says "big sis" and Paige's is of course, "lil sis".

This week, Luis and some of his crew came down to do some more work on the living quarters in the church. It is mostly sheetrock that I hear going on. He brought along a young couple who had just arrived from Texas to find work in Oregon. They are from Cuba and she can speak a little English. He pretty much relies on her to translate for him. They were good hard workers and we got a lot done while they were here. Everyone is gone now for a few days and that's okay with me - Jan's Kitchen is just about tapped out - along with the cook!

I had to run back into Hillsboro on Thursday to go to the dentist to get my completed crown. It was a quick trip and luckily I didn't get pulled over by the police like last week. There seems to be a lot of traffic coming down to the coast for the middle of the week but I keep forgetting that a lot of people are working from home, so they can come and go as they please.

Take care and be safe out there! It's not over yet!!