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May 22, 2020
Hey there! So another week has gone by and everything feels the same. Even though the Governor has started Phase I of lifting restrictions, I am still staying at home most of the time.
On Saturday, we had to make a trip to Astoria for Dave to pick up some marine primer paint for the small boat. We painted it last year but - although the paint did its job and there were no barnacles on it - it still had a fringe of grass stuck to it. So when we took it out of the water, he power washed it. But some of the paint had peeled off in the process, so it needed to be redone. By the way, he has officially named it - the same as in a long line of the same name begun by his dad, Lloyd. He started calling his small fishing boats "Numbut" because after sitting in one spot waiting for the fish, that's what you get - a numb butt. Well, we kept up the tradition and by Dave's estimation; this is about the fifth boat with that name, thus, Numbut V.
Anyway, my leg was hurting so bad on the way north that I had Dave drop me off at the Seaside hospital emergency room. I was afraid that I might have a blood clot. But, after taking an ultrasound, they discovered a cyst (Baker's Cyst) behind my left knee. At least it wasn't a blood clot, but it is still very painful. I already had a doctor's appointment scheduled for Tuesday, so I waited until then to decide what was going to happen. On Tuesday, the doctor took an x-ray and I now have an appointment with an orthopedist for next week! He will probably drain the fluid off the knee! Meanwhile, my regular doctor prescribed some water pills, so you know what I have been doing this past week!
Since the Governor lifted the CoVid 19 closure of hair salons, I was finally able to get my hair cut this week. It had been a couple of months and it was way past time. I'm so glad I was able to get in to get that done. It looks and feels so much better. Dave though, has apparently decided to let his hair grow and we will see how long he will put up with that. He has changed the way he combs it, so now it is combed straight back. That will make it easier to put into a pony tail before very long! Meanwhile, between the long hair and beard, he looks like the wild man of Wheeler!
Dave has been working out the kinks setting up for Zoom meetings at City Hall. He still hasn't been able to get the sound from all of the microphones in the room to work into the computer, so people listening on Zoom can hear every microphone. He spent the better part of three days earlier this week trying to get it done before the city council meeting, but ran out of time. It has been a real frustration for him, but he has vowed not to give up. Every morning when I get up, I see another schematic that he has worked up sometime in the middle of the night. I hope he solves that soon - we have other projects to work on and he needs the sleep!
My "home" vegetable garden is growing. I see the beets and carrots are peaking through the ground and I have a little tomato on one of the tomato plants. I haven't been able to get the rest of the garden planted up at the community garden because of the pain in my leg.
I got lemons! My little lemon tree that I keep in the house has about 4 tiny little lemons on it. The tree isn't very big, but I am excited just the same.
Work on the old church building is progressing. To catch up, I decided to use the space that is not occupied by Dave's Cave and make it into some kind of living quarters. Luis has been working on it a little at a time - when he doesn't have other jobs to do. The walls have been framed and moved to accommodate the kitchen and bathroom, so we're about ready for plumbing and electrical. Dave will do the electrical and Luis will do all of the plumbing up to the point of tying into the city sewer system. All of this is happening so fast, I can't keep up with it! A month ago this was just a crazy idea I had for that space and now it is underway and things are changing daily.
One other thing we did; Dave had made a floor for the cupola a long time ago, but it was very difficult to get up there to enjoy the view. So, we decided to put a pull-down stairway in to get to that space from the "living room" below. That is done and as soon as the guys make some structural changes to the cupola, it will be much easier to get up there. I may even try!
Well, that's about all the news this way.