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February 21, 2020


It has been a busy, busy week. It's funny how some weeks we don't have anything going on and the next week it seems like everything is happening!

Last Saturday, we had Lara, her friend Kevin and his mom and dad for lunch. So I fixed some homemade turkey noodle soup, made a cherry dessert and everyone was happy. We had never met Kevin's folks and they had been up in Seaside for the week and were headed back down the coast and Kevin hadn't been to our place yet, so it was a good opportunity. We had a nice visit and the parents seemed very nice. After they left, I had a second luncheon for Luis and his crew. Fortunately, Luis had brought special-made Tamales from his friend at a restaurant in Portland, so the crew ate those.

On Sunday, we decided to take a drive to Salem and deliver the trash holder that Dave had finished for Leslie. We didn't stay long but enjoyed the visit with Leslie and Paige. Jason was gone fishing with his nephews out on the Willamette. They caught some nice Sturgeon but had to release them as you can't keep them if you catch them in the Willamette. The traffic was heavy for a Sunday because of the President's Day weekend but we made it back home late in the afternoon.


Luis and his crew surprised Dave and I with a bouquet of flowers for me and a bottle of really good scotch for Dave. This was in appreciation for all the meals that we have been cooking for them and for letting some of them spend the night. Luis also bought steaks which we cooked on the grill. They are almost done with the project up at the neighbor's and so they wanted to thank us.

Community Garden

Wednesday was another full day of non-stop. We managed to get up to water aerobics in the morning and then Dave and I helped at the community park in the afternoon putting in new garden boxes. The old ones were getting pretty rotten and needed to be replaced. I spent a couple hours there before I had to report to the city's spaghetti feed preparation. We provided free spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and dessert for anyone who wanted to join us. It was put on by the Wheeler Emergency Team and Community Action Team (yes, the acronym for that is WET CAT) plus volunteers, so we could get some practice on preparing meals for a large group in case of an emergency. We had a little trouble with the electricity while we were t trying to boil water for the pasta and keeping slow cookers to heat the sauce with just one circuit. The electrical breaker kept tripping. But we finally got it done and fed about 30-40 people. We played "Emergency Bingo" and talked about being prepared in case of a disaster. While I was doing that, Dave had a Historical Society board meeting and then rehearsal that night for the up-coming play that he is doing in March.

We are both ready for this week to be over with.

Last night, the guys were here for dinner again (chicken, thank you Costco!) and they let us know that we had Friday off. They won't be back until Saturday and two of them will be spending the night, so the kitchen will be open all weekend again!

We have had lovely weather for the past couple of days. I guess it is going to end this weekend, but it's a tease to let us know that spring will be here soon! I am soooo ready.