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January 17, 2020


We made it through another week, and what a week it was!

I didn't have to do much cooking over the weekend. We were invited down to Des and Donna Kahrs' for broccoli soup on Saturday. We were a little hesitant about that as both Dave and I are not huge fans of broccoli, but it was right up there with the best soup I have ever eaten! Then on Sunday afternoon we had our Second Sunday Soup get-together at Mark and Linda's. They fixed some lemon chicken soup which was also amazing. You will have to admit that this is the time of year for a warm bowl of soup on these chilly days.


On Tuesday, the weatherman was predicting some snow and ice up on the Coast Range and Dave had a hearing test in Hillsboro that afternoon. In spite of the weather, we took Highway 53 and then Highway 26 to head into the valley and sure enough, for several miles on either side of the summit, there was snow and ice. The snow was beautiful on all the trees but Dave was too busy trying to keep the car from sliding to pay too much attention. There were a few cars that had slid into the ditch along the way but we took it easy and didn't have any trouble. He got through the hearing test in record time (he will be getting new hearing aids) and so we got back home before it got too dark.

Another night of dining out as, when we got back from Hillsboro, I hadn't gotten anything out of the freezer to fix for dinner, so Dave suggested we try the local Thai restaurant. I am not much for "hot and spicy" food so I ordered a mild dish. I was glad to see they have a "five-star" rating system with my dish served as a one star and all the way up to a scorching 5 if you are brave enough to try that! Dave ordered a three. Anyway, the restaurant was very good and will put it on my list of preferred places.

We woke up on Wednesday to icy and dicey roads at our place here at the coast. Dave went to get the mail in the morning and practically slid all the way down the hill! Our neighbor who works nights at the hospital ended up parking her car in our lower driveway and walking home because she couldn't make it up the hill. Dave got the tractor out and scraped some of the ice off the road so at least we would have more traction but by afternoon it had warmed up and the rains came and melted the ice anyway. Thursday we had to drive into Tillamook as Dave had a dentist appointment. He had lost the crown on one of his wisdom teeth, and the dentist decided he couldn't repair it so he had to have the tooth pulled. While he was doing that, I got my hair cut down the street. I was lucky that the beautician could fit me in on such short notice. Anyway, he isn't feeling any pain right now as I write this on Thursday evening (meds are doing their job) and I have been feeding him "soft" foods. I made one of his favorites for dinner - mac and cheese with crab. Yummmmm!

Well that's all the news our way. Sorry we don't have much in the way of pictures this time. Hope you have a nice week!