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December 20, 2019


Five more days left until Christmas! I hope you are ready. I have a few things left to do before we head into Salem to be with our family to celebrate that wonderful day!

Calendar We have already opened one gift from our German exchange student. Tina always sends us an chocolate Advent calendar and Dave and I take turns eating the treat inside each day, I'm odd and Dave is even on the days. She also sent us a regular calendar and loads of candies and we have already managed to eat most of that! We have been thinking seriously of going on diets when the holidays are all over.

Jan I finished baking Christmas cookies and I also made some candied walnuts to give to all the neighbors. The Christmas cards have been sent (with some returns) and I dragged our lighted Santa Claus out of storage and placed him on the porch, mostly for the enjoyment of the kids next door. The rest of the lights on the house still need a little work but they will have to do for this year. Even with some work left to do on them, we have been getting compliments from folks in town, so I guess they are okay for now.

Dave Dave received a present in the mail from an old friend who lives in Virginia. Stan Mushaw gave him a t-shirt with a picture of the Washington Nationals, who won the World Series this year. When we were back in D.C. a few years back, we got a chance to go to a Nationals game with him. Since then, the Nationals have become our favorite National League team, so Dave was excited to get the shirt. Lots of memories.

Jan with wreath I decided to make a couple of wreaths out of some trimmings from my boxwood shrubs. They needed pruning anyway. It was a easy and fun thing to do on a rainy day. Although I had forgotten how to do it (it has been a while since I have made them), it was easy, as all I had to do was look up a YouTube video and that was it. You can do almost anything from YouTube these days.

It has been raining again, so it's time to hunker down and grab a good book. The problem is, I am a fast reader and can finish a book in a couple of days. Sometimes it is hard to put the book down, so I don't get much done around here!

Jan at Mo's Thursday, we took advantage of a rare day with no meetings or other bothersome interruptions and went to Warrenton to take care of a few things. We wanted to get some solar lights for the deck railing to replace the old ones that had pretty much used up their lives. We also wanted to get some ceiling lights for the hallway to replace the 50-year-old fixtures that were there. We stopped at the phone store to get Dave's email working on his phone and I picked up a few things at the Dollar Store while we were in town and then we headed home. We are in the middle of the mother of all wind and rain storms right now and so driving home was no picnic. We decided to stop at Mo's in Cannon Beach for chowder in a bread bowl before we made the final run for home. Dave drove the entire way and we exchanged high-fives when we pulled into the driveway!

We have to make a run to the VA today as Dave has an appointment to get his hearing aids fixed. He can't hear out of one side. While we are in town we are having lunch with our oldest daughter, Lara. Then it is back home again. I hope the worst of this storm has passed us by that time!

Well, have a nice Christmas everyone! I hope Santa is good to you this year.