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December 6. 2019


It's been a quiet week as I am still recovering from bronchitis. I think I coughed so much that I felt like I broke a rib! My side hurt so much I couldn't even bend over. But all is well, or should I say all is better. I am off my meds that the doctor gave me and I don't have that cough anymore. Enough said about that.

While I was down, I managed to get all my Christmas cards out in the mail and I got the house mostly decorated for the holidays. The decorating took me most of the week, a little at a time, as I didn't feel like I had much strength. I got my little kitchen tree up and some other holiday things sprinkled around the house and Dave got the outside lights working. So I guess we are ahead of the game.

We had some Blazers Broadcasting friends, Geoff and Gail Park, drop by this week. He still works for the Blazers, running a camera during the home games. Since it was a nice day, they decided to come to the coast between game broadcasts and stopped by for a visit while they were in the neighborhood. They are busy looking for property at the coast for when they retire.

IAWL Dave is getting ready to perform "It's A Wonderful Life", a live radio play this weekend. The Riverbend players performed it last year but it is back by popular demand. It will just be for this weekend however, although they have been asked to present the performance at one of the local establishments in Manzanita later on in the month.

By Thursday, I felt well enough to go back to water aerobics. I haven't been back for almost a week. Our instructor was back after her eye surgery from a couple of months ago. Everyone was happy to see her back.

Holiday Lights Our Park and Rec. Committee got together on Thursday to put up Christmas decorations around City Hall. We do this every year trying to bring a little happiness to our little town.

Luis We had our friend Luis here for lunch and dinner yesterday. He has been working at building a wheelchair ramp for our neighbor Nancy King. She was badly injured by a car while crossing the street in a crosswalk a few weeks ago. She will be confined to a wheelchair while she's healing and Luis made a special trip down here to make sure the ramp is ready for her when she finally gets to come home. Luis took a few minutes to help Dave on a project he has been working on while he was here. Dave was grateful because it was one of those things where two people make the job go much faster.

I hope everyone is enjoying this festive time in advance of the holiday; it is such a special time of the year.