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November 29, 2019


Kahrs I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving and didn't eat too much turkey! Our Thanksgiving was a little different this year. We had plans to spend the day with our kids in West Salem but as it turned out, I came down with Bronchitis. So while I stayed home and hunkered down, the Kahrs set another place at their table for Dave. I didn't have much of an appetite for anything, so at least he could enjoy a nice meal with them. I missed not being with my family this year. I also missed coming home with some of the leftovers from the dinner. Turkey soup is always so good coming off what's left of the bird.

So with this hacking and coughing that I was doing, I finally went to the doctor and after taking a chest x-ray, he loaded me up with three different kinds of medications and sent me on my way. I have coughed so much that my sides hurt and I can hardly bend over because of the pain. I am getting a little better. Yesterday was a little better than the day before. I am praying that Dave doesn't come down with this as he has a part in a play next weekend and he won't sound so good if he is hacking away. He has been trying to keep his distance from me. If I'm inside, he goes outside. If I'm upstairs, he goes downstairs. So far, so good.

61 Fedex We have been getting FEDEX packages delivered to the basement entrance to our house. They don't belong to us, so Dave has had to deliver them himself after he finds out who they belong to along our street. This is the second time this has happened and with Christmas around the corner, I am sure there will be more deliveries to come. I really can't blame to FEDEX guy, as our street numbers are not consistent. For instance, our house number is 61, the house next door is 75, the one across the street from us is 79 and the street on top of our hill is First Street although it is unmarked. So it is easy to see why he is confused. Dave thinks he is just lazy and made a sign and a new house number for that lower door just to be sure.

While I have been confined to the house, I managed to get all my Christmas cards ready to mail. I have a couple of cousins who seem to get their cards out by the first of December so I thought I would show them and be the first. But it was not to be! A card from my cousin in Texas arrived before Thanksgiving this year! Oh well, I tried!

Onion Peak Our weather has been cold but pleasant, at least the sky is clear and the sun is shining. I am glad I have a beautiful view to look at. I woke up to seeing snow on the top of Onion Peak this week which is always a beautiful site and the sounds of geese honking and practicing their formations before they head south is always a good thing too.

Well, I am going to continue to take my meds, get plenty of rest and hope to back on track real soon. I am looking forward to Christmas and getting all the decorations up for the holidays.