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November 15, 2019


Collage Happy fall to you all! The weather has been awesome this week with some fog and sprinkles, but the autumn colors have been brilliant. It was definitely time to put up the Thanksgiving decorations.

With the weather holding off this past week, Luis and crew were able to help Dave get the trail steps in place along the pathway. After 40 years, the old steps had completely rotted away. Then after the steps, they hauled in a load of gravel. The poor little green trailer was really straining under the load and Dave was only able to drive about 30 miles per hour getting it home but he made it. The crew then got busy and had it spread along the pathway before dinner. They were one bunch of tried guys when it was over, but I had prepared dinner for them before they left that evening. It really turned out nice and we are glad they were able to get it all done.

Collage Wednesday, we made a trip to West Salem High School to witness our granddaughter sign her Letter of Intent to play soccer for the University of Oregon. She and four other athletes were there, each preparing to advance to various universities to play their sports. It was wonderful to see such promising young people committing to their schools. Especially our Paige, of whom we are so proud. It was a four-hour round trip for a half-hour signing ceremony but we are so glad we went. We didn't stay long as we wanted to get back home. I had a Park & Rec. meeting the next morning at 10:00 a.m.

Since Monday was Veteran's Day, most everything was closed. Dave had arranged for volunteers to put the flags up along the street in downtown Wheeler. The city likes to have the flags up on most holidays, especially on Veteran's Day.

We will repeat the trip in a couple of weeks as we are looking forward to Thanksgiving at the Alexander's again this year.

Curtain Call Last Sunday was the final curtain call for the Riverbend Players following their production of "Moon over Buffalo". It turned out to be very successful and each day they had a larger audience that they had for the performance the day before. After the final show on Sunday, the cast gathered and had a pizza party to celebrate a job well done. Now, it is on to the next play. Dave has auditioned and got a part in "It's a Wonderful Life" which takes place in a simulated radio studio. As "radio actors" the cast is able to have their scripts in front of them for the entire play Dave will be able to just read his part instead of memorizing it. They still have rehearsals, however.

Short and sweet this week. Other than Paige's signing, we really didn't do all that much that was noteworthy.