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October 25, 2019
The week started out wet and windy but by Tuesday, the sun decided to make an appearance and it has been nice the rest of the week. I have lots of yard work to do, especially raking leaves! But wait, there's more - leaves that is!
While the weather was nasty, I did an "inside" job and helped Dave strip a newel post which we found in the old church along with some decorative metal scrolling. The metal scrolling is extra from what was used on our staircase in the house when it was built. This is a photo of the rail in the house. Dave wants to make the same kind of stair rail for inside the church. Anyway, the newel post needed stripping so we can re-finish it. Dave spent part of the day yesterday cleaning up the scrollwork we are going to use in the church project.
The tree guy came on Tuesday and cut down the 75' Spruce that was close to the back of the boat barn. He did a real nice job dropping the tree and we didn't even hear any loud crash. He spent all day cutting the limbs and burning the branches and he didn't finish until nightfall. He was one tired guy. It sure looks different not having that tree there.
I have a "Christmas" cactus in full bloom! It's a little early for Christmas (except the stores are already putting out Christmas stuff), but it sure is beautiful with its red and white blossoms. I bought this small plant last spring and it had buds on it then but didn't like the location where I had put it and the buds immediately dropped off. So this summer it has been living out in the greenhouse and I just brought it in a couple of weeks ago when it started to get cold at nights. I put it out in the utility room and it seems to like it there.
The Park Committee finally was able to get a work party in this week. We met at Waterfront Park and did some pruning and weeding. It was been raining on the day we usually have our party, so we changed the day to Wednesday afternoon, hoping to get some nice weather before winter gets here. We got the roses deadheaded and trimmed back some plants.
Dave has been spending most evenings at play rehearsal, getting ready for the production which opens the first of November. That's just a week away. He says they are no near ready yet, and yet things always manage to come together at the last minute. They did have one setback though; he told me that the leading lady fell down and broke her elbow, so the cast is scrambling while trying to work around that. You know how actors say "Break a Leg" instead of "Good Luck"? Well, I guess she took it seriously about breaking a leg, but broke an elbow instead!
That's the news down our way - hope all is well in your lives.