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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

January 25, 2019




Lots of natural sightings this week around here with a full moon over the bay on Saturday and later on in the week, the most radiant rainbow between rain showers was spotted. Dave took this picture of the rainbow with its reflection on the bay. The colors were more vivid than the camera picked up but it was still an amazing shot.


Speaking of the moon, we had almost forgotten about the lunar eclipse Sunday evening and thank goodness the neighbors called and said to look out the window. It had been raining and cloudy for most of the day so we didn't think we would get to view it. But when we looked outside, the clouds had parted and the stars were bright above and the most beautiful sight of the moon could be seen. Our neighbor's 10-year old grandson, Taylor Kahrs took this picture through the telescope.

I took time out on Tuesday afternoon to go to the Garden Club's monthly meeting. They had a speaker from Seven Dee's Nursery who gave a presentation on different fertilizers. That was kind of a refresher course for me from my Master Gardener's classes, but we had a great meeting. After Martin Luther King's day-off from water aerobics on Monday, we were in the pool once more on Wednesday. On Thursday, the pool was closed because of boiler problems. The water was a little cooler on Wednesday morning than normal, so we thought there may be a chance they were going to have to shut down to fix it. The pool is really, really old and is always having problems. They are trying to raise money to build a new one but it will take awhile (probably not in my lifetime).

Dave & Ray

Dave continues to work on the steamboat, trying to get it ready to go back into the water. We won't launch it until April at the earliest, but since it has been five years since the Captain Bell has been in the water, Dave wants to get everything done that he can get done before we actually do launch it. Our friend Ray came by and lost no time rolling up his sleeves to help. He is becoming quite the steam buff! And Dave loves the help. They still do not have the problem with the boiler burner solved just yet, but Dave swears that he's not going to give up on it until he solves all the problems. It's supposed to me nice weather this week, so maybe he (and anyone else who drops by to help) can get a lot done.

We made two trips into the valley this week. On Wednesday, Dave wanted to get some attachments for his Bluetooth hearing aid, so he called the VA to see what could be done. The audiology department had a cancellation for later on that afternoon, so in the car we went. He came home with a mini-microphone that can be worn to talk directly with him through his hearing aids. Actually, he got it for me, as he says I speak too softly and he can't understand me. So when I clip it on my clothes, he can hear me better. Good for him and mostly good for me, as I don't have to keep repeating myself because he can't hear me the first time. As a side benefit, he is going to be in another play in March and will give the microphone to the prompter (the person who sits off stage and whispers lines to forgetful actors). He ordinarily wouldn't be able to hear the prompter, but with that microphone, the prompter can just whisper into it and he'll hear his forgotten line just fine. Of course, if he learns all his lines, he won't need the prompter! They still have 7 weeks to go before they open and he's doing pretty well with his memorization.

The next day, I had an appointment with the podiatrist to check my heel to make sure the planter warts were gone. My appointment was at 9:00 a.m. so we were aiming for a 7:30 departure. As we drove into the valley, it became apparent that we weren't going to make it in time. We broke all kinds of speed records to try to get there on time because - when we called to say we'd be a few minutes late - they told me that if I am more than 10 minutes late, I would have to reschedule. We made it with three minutes to spare. Anyway, the doctor looked at my foot - told me, "No more warts" - and five minutes later, I was free to leave. I could have told him that and saved us both a lot of time!

After the appointment we had all kinds of time to kill as we wanted to attend my high school classmate's monthly luncheon. So we went to Office Depot and bought a bunch of stuff we needed for the office, stopped at Home Depot and at Harbor Freight before going to the lunch. We do this classmates thing once a month, although we had taken two months off over the holidays. It was nice seeing old classmates and visiting with them at the luncheon and when we had both finished eating and visiting, we drove back home.

Tonight, we are meeting Dave's cousin, Marta and her husband Gene for dinner. They are living in Pacific City so they are meeting us at a place in Rockaway Beach. We haven't had a good visit in a long time.

This weekend, the old house next door is supposed to be demolished, so we will be posting pictures of the before and after of that next week. That is assuming they actually get things organized and start the demolition. We'll see.