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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

November 9, 2018


Hello dear friends, here's what's happening in my neck of the woods.

God’s Valley

We have had mostly rain this past week, but since there was a break in the weather last Sunday and we were having cabin fever, Dave and I went for a Sunday drive. We drove up God's Valley Road off of Highway 53. Every time we are going into town, we see that junction with its intriguing name and have been meaning to turn up that road to see what was up there. So, Sunday we decided it was time to satisfy our curiosity. The road meanders up this valley with a creek down this deep canyon on one side of the road. The trees were in their fall splendor, so that was nice. There were not many houses along the way and the road had two forks in it so we were hoping we choose the correct fork and didn't end up in someone's driveway! It looked like the type of neighborhood where folks don't take kindly to strangers driving in - if you know what I mean. We drove for a couple of miles and then decided to turn around before we got ourselves in trouble. Not much up there and we didn't feel we had missed anything after all this time wondering about it. Cross that off our list.

The weather did have its sunny moments and between showers, I managed to get outdoors and rake up more leaves in the yard. I keep checking to see if - by some chance - they're all gone, but there are still more leaves to come down. I wish a good strong wind would come along and blow them all down at once! Anyway, it felt good to get outside and get some fresh air.

Tuesday I had another appointment with the foot doctor. The planter warts are still alive and well and she whittled on my foot again. Those stubborn warts don't want to go away. Meanwhile, since the warts are not responding to the medication that the doctor has been using, the next step will be an injection which will hurt like hell! I am not looking forward to that. If that wasn't enough, I had an appointment to get two replacement crowns done at the dentist that morning, so my poor body got hit twice in the same day!

Since I was laid up for a couple of days with my foot, I was confined to the house watching the beautiful sunshine and yearning to be outdoors. But by Thursday, I was all better and back to my usual activities. We had our Park and Rec. Committee meeting and have lost another member. Now we are down to four of us who volunteer on a weekly basis. But we are not getting younger and we wish we could get some young blood added to our committee. It seems like the possibilities we know of are too old (like us) or they are working full time and raising a family and can't commit to working with us. So, we just soldier on, but it gets harder every year.

Good Seats

Rip City

Dave got tickets for the Blazer game the other night for Lara's family. Jadyn was performing at half-time as part of the West Linn High School dance team. We usually go when she dances at the Blazer games but we had made so many trips to the valley this week we decided that Jadyn would understand us not being there. Lara took pictures and she posted them on Facebook.


We got our kitchen countertops measured on Thursday. Two guys talked with us and went through exactly what we wanted done. They then built templates that they will use to cut and fit the new Corian countertops. We should have new ones in place by Thanksgiving. I am glad this project is moving along and will be glad when it is all done.


Dave and I had our ups and downs this week too. I was wrestling with the leaf blower and landed on my backside but "no harm, no foul". Dave missed the last step on the stairs at play rehearsal in Nehalem and landed hard on his knee. We were both pretty sore for a couple of days but we are fine, nothing broken. I hate reporting these kinds of things because we don't want to alarm our girls. Dave's medication that he is on makes him unstable and me - well, I don't have an excuse!

Tonight marks the first of five performances for Dave and his theater group. They're doing the popular old Frank Capra/Jimmy Stewart holiday movie "It's a Wonderful Life" as a 1940's radio drama - complete with live sound effects and multiple roles using just a handful of actors. It's all right down his alley and he feels that the performances will go well. I'm going to wait another week and take in the final performance on Sunday the 18th.

Well, that's about all the news down here. Monday is Veteran's Day, so Dave and his flag crew will have flags out along the main drag in Wheeler. To all those who have served this wonderful country, have a great day. We are so grateful.