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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

September 21, 2018


It's the last week of summer and it looks like we are in for a nice fall. I love this time of year with the change in seasons. I think fall is so beautiful with its oranges, yellows and reds.

We had a nice week, with a trip into Portland to the Veteran's Administration Hospital, so Dave can change over from OHSU care. He doesn't have to change doctors as his oncologist practices at the VA in Portland as well as at OHSU. By making the change, some of the meds that Dave is taking will now come from the VA and this will save us several hundred dollars a month that we are now spending on medications. Fighting cancer is expensive! It was quite an experience going to the VA hospital and into an area where there are a lot of patients. After we saw the doctor, we had to wait another hour for the blood work she wanted done. It was really crowded, but just "people watching" while we were in the lab waiting room was very entertaining.

I worked pulling weeds in the flower bed at City Hall on Tuesday. We normally work on Wednesday, but I wasn't able to join them then because of the trip to the VA, so I worked on Tuesday. The weeds were getting out of hand and the beds really needed some attention. I also exchanged the Geraniums at the Post Office for the Mums to add a little fall color. At home, my garden is just about done for the year. The green beans, cucumbers and tomatoes will be pulled out of the ground soon and I will put everything to bed. We have had some cool nights lately and the rain we had over the weekend just about taken care of my flowers. Things are starting to look haggard around here. Except for the grass. The rain has given the lawn a little green again.


I have been on a spider watch. I can't believe how many cobwebs there are. I just get them swept away and the next day they are back! I decided to get some spray and see if I can't get the spider population under control. So, after mixing up the poison, I put on my respirator, gloves and sprayer then headed out to the battlefield. I don't think they were affected by my efforts because the next day I was outside sweeping away cobwebs again! But I looked scary enough in my get-up that you would think that would frighten them away!


Dave has been busy putting wiring for power into the church. He is doing the entire building, so it is going to take him a while. After he is done, he won't have to run extension cords from the house and the boat barn like he does now. Just another project that he is working on. While he was working near the church window that overlooks the river, he watched people catching salmon. He is anxious to try his luck. He had to take the outboard motor we use for fishing in to be repaired the other day and he is hoping he gets it back before all the salmon are gone!

Sunday, I am hosting a "meet and greet" party for the neighborhood. Since we have had quite a few new people move into the area, I thought it would be nice for everyone to get acquainted. I am also the emergency captain for the neighborhood so I'm taking advantage of the event to do a little education so that in case of an emergency, everyone can be prepared. This time of year is a good time to remind people to get prepared, especially down here at the coast where we have flooding and have had lost power because of storms we get right off the Pacific Ocean.

Not many pictures this week. Just the one of Dave and of course, my scary photo on the right. Hey! Maybe I can use that one for Halloween!!