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August 17, 2018


Its been another lazy, hazy week of summer gone by. We have noticed the smoke haze from all the forest fires but the west winds from the ocean came in on Thursday and we finally see blue skies again. I sure feel sorry for folks who have had to breathe in that smoky air for so long. It ain't healthy.

We had to run into Portland on Tuesday as Dave had an appointment with his oncologist to find out where he stands with his high PSA reading. The hormone shot they re-started in February isn't working as well as it did in the past, so the doctor went over options for him on some other medications before we selected one from her list . This new medication is expensive. And I mean EXPENSIVE!! The name of the medication is about 12 letters long and is pretty much unpronounceable. We figured they must be charging by the length of the name! Oh, well, we do what we have to do. He will also be in a "fall" study to see how he reacts to this medication. He thinks they only time he will fall is when he gets the bill for the medication! Besides, with my history, I think I'm the one who they should be studying about falling! (ha! ha!)


Jan, Tom

boat and trailer

Meanwhile, Dave has been getting the steamboat ready to take to the meet in Toledo, Oregon this weekend. He worked on replacing some copper pipes and sanded and painted the trim on the benches inside the boat. We had a couple of steamers stop by who were on their way to the meet. They live in the Seattle area and it's a long drive from here to there. Stephanie Hylton stopped by on Monday night and stayed for dinner and then we had Tom Kane drive in on Wednesday with his fancy new red Lexus on his way to the meet. He spent the night, so we have had people coming and going around here. We are packed up and will be leaving today to join them. It is about 100 miles south of here on the coast. We will be coming back on Monday.

I am still without my oven. It was supposed to be here this week but so far, all we have heard are promises. We are keeping our fingers crossed for next week. And as if having to buy a new oven wasn't enough, I am now having problems with my dishwasher. When it finished washing the last load, I smelled something funny (like brake fluid) and it didn't drain all the water out of the machine. I suppose that is next to go and it isn't that old either. I won't know about it for a while as the repairman only comes to Wheeler on Wednesday. So I'll be doing dishes the old-fashioned way until then.



We got a message from our daughter, Lara. She had taken Jaysa to her soccer tournament in Seattle over the weekend. She wrote to say that during one of her games, Jaysa sprained her ankle in a collision with another player. She went to the emergency room and they took x-rays then had to wait two more hours before the doctor could tell them that she had a sprain and that she has to wear a boot. When they got back home Jaysa had an MRI to make sure it wasn't broken. What a way for her to end her summer and start school in a couple of weeks!

Our oldest granddaughter, Ashtin has had a summer job working at Western Oregon University in maintenance. She told us that they had to install new mattresses in the dorms, carrying out the old mattresses and replacing them with new ones. She certainly earned her pay that day! She has moved back home and will be starting her Sophomore year this fall. She was awarded a $10,000 scholarship from the police department and so that will help a lot towards her tuition.

That's all that is happening in our little corner of the world. Keep on smiling and don't let them dull your sparkle!