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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

August 10, 2018


While the rest of the country has been sweltering or burning up, we have had pleasant weather down here at the coast with fog in the mornings with the sun arriving in the afternoon. We have had comfortable temperatures in the mid to upper '60. We are so blessed to live where we do.

Dave saw his first fish being caught this week, so the salmon must be out there! That means the fishing season has officially begun. There have been lots of boats in the bay and the river in front of our place. The Great Blue Herons have been patiently fishing from the shore; catching their dinner. They have a rookery above us and we watch them fly over our place during the day. They are huge birds and remind me of something out of Jurassic Park.


We got a call from Des and Donna Kahrs last Sunday, inviting us down for "leftovers". They have had a crew down there helping Des with some of the brush and tree removal on their property. Their son, Devin and his new wife, Lucia were visiting from California. I hadn't met her before and liked her immediately. Anyway, after they all left, Donna had lots of food left over and so I brought my roasted chicken and made a green salad and we joined them. When we finished our meal, Donna brought out this after dinner wine that was given to them. It was awful and tasted like paint thinner with an alcohol rating of 96 proof! It was called Eau De Vie and had a fir tree on the label. That should have been our first clue! I just took a sip and about gagged! We had a lot of fun making jokes about it though, bad as it was!


Still no oven. It has been over a month and should be arriving the first part of next week. I have been doing a lot of barbecuing these days. I am used to grilling or baking most of my meals so the BBQ and microwave have had to do. I hope my new oven comes soon, as I sure do miss not having one. Since Ray is back from his vacation next Monday, I think we'll have him start revising the cabinet to fit the new oven then anyway.
UPDATE: Just before posting this, I received a call telling me that the oven should be delivered to Portland on Monday. Since we have to go to town on Tuesday anyway, I hope we can pick it up then.

I have been in a cleaning mood lately. I got busy and washed the curtains and the knick-knacks on the window sills in the bedroom and utility room. Then I dusted and cleaned all the stuff on top of my kitchen cabinets. I cleaned my refrig, because I had spilled some cranberry juice and it was all over everything. I have been working in the yard too. I cleared the ivy and weeds from under a tree in the yard and cut back all the blackberry vines that were encroaching on the church.

I had to go back to the foot doctor on Tuesday for a follow-up on the wart on the bottom of my foot. She dug into it and poured more wart killer on it. I could hardly walk for a couple of days after that. I have to go back in a couple of weeks to see if the wart is gone. Apparently this wart decided to grow on my foot while I was wearing that boot after my surgery. It had gotten pretty large. I sure hope she got it this time!

We are getting ready for the steam meet down in Toledo, Oregon in a week. We are going to take the steamboat but will not launch it as Dave hasn't had time to test it out to see how well it will do in the water. So it will sit on the shore for everyone to see. These steam meets are always fun and it will be nice to see all of our "steaming" friends again.