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June 29, 2018



It has been a busy week (aren't they all?). I have spent most of the time out in the yard trying to get caught up on the weeds and undergrowth that has taken over. Since I am only good for a couple of hours, it doesn't seem like I get much done. Oh, by the way, while I was outside I came across some bear scat. Humm, I didn't know we had any bears in the neighborhood, but there's poop positive - I mean proof positive!

My garden is growing - I have given away a lot of snow peas. The carrots came up and they are all scattered in a row. It seems that our cat likes to use my garden as his personal potty digging up the dirt and so I plan on reseeding them again and this time will cover them with some netting so maybe he will stay out!


Lara, Jordyn

Last weekend, we spent a couple of days in the valley taking care of some chores. Dave had an appointment with a "stroke doctor" that his cardiologist wanted him to see. It has been a while since his last stroke, but she was bothered by the fact that they have never found a reason for any of the strokes he has had, so she's trying to get to the bottom of that. The stroke specialist couldn't pinpoint anything either, but she put him on a heart monitor that he has to wear for the next two weeks to see if maybe that will tell them something. Meanwhile, we wanted to get back to Lara's to begin a project to build a wall in Jordyn's room. Instead of a bedroom, she inherited the "office" space in the condo when they moved there and it didn't have a wall - or a door - across the entry. So, Dave designed one and they began the construction on Friday. By the time we left on Saturday, Jordyn had her privacy and all we have to do when we go back is hang the rest of the drywall and get it ready to paint. Jordyn loves her new room!


We have had some of Luis' crew down here this week. He is on vacation in California and while he is gone they needed something to do, so we are keeping them busy around here. Luis took out an old stump before he left and then Alexei came back and did some painting. Yesterday, he and Cosmi repainted the deck rails, as they were starting to peel in places. When he wasn't painting, Lexi jumped on the tractor and finished what they started a couple of weeks ago and got that entire area alongside the boat barn leveled. We also got them to load the green trailer with more yard debris that we will take to Cart'M today. We expect them to be back today to finish the painting on the rails and also some trim on the church. If they finish that, Dave has some other jobs for them to keep them busy.


Well, July 4th - Independence Day is just around the corner and so it is time we get the steamboat out and get it ready for the parade. Dave wanted to have the deck repainted as it had some dings in it, so I painted it for him. I think he's going to get it out this weekend and steam it up to make sure it will work in the parade. We still have to polish the brass and wash the boat. The kids are coming down this week and staying until the 4th, so I'm sure we can get them to help with anything that hasn't been done.


Our grandgirls have been all over the place. Ashtin is in France and Spain for a couple of weeks with a bunch of students from the Spanish class so they can practice their language skills Her sister, Paige jumped off a plane from Hawaii and jumped on another one to San Diego for a few days to do her soccer thing. Jadyn is in San Francisco all week on a mission trip to help the homeless with her church group. Jordyn is at girl scout camp all week and Jaysa was at the beach in Lincoln City with her dad for a few days. But they all plan on being together at our place for the 4th (except for Ashtin who won't be back from her trip).

Jan's gifts

Monday is my birthday and it's another year older. I got a nice gift from my sister, Jeanne. She lives in England and sent me some English tea, soap and a cute cookbook. I miss her and wish we lived closer.

I hope everyone has a great 4th to celebrate what a wonderful country we live in and how blessed we are.