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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

June 22, 2018



We had a great weekend. The Cubans had come down along with some of our friends and neighbors and the Cubans roasted a pig. First of all, Dave and a couple of them had to go rustle a live pig from a local farmer and then bring it back here! It was a 225 lb. pig and wasn't the most cooperative! They then killed the pig and dressed it for the roast. I didn't watch that part as I probably wouldn't have eaten any of it. I like to buy my meat packaged at the store. Anyway, they finally got the fire going and the pig on the spit but they were several hours behind in the process. Our guests started showing up around 3:30 that afternoon and we didn't eat until 8:00! Everyone was starving by that time but it was well worth the wait!

We had the roast down on the Kahrs' wharf so we would have plenty of room. Lara came down and helped us set up and run errands (thank goodness, as I couldn't have done it without her). The Cuban women came up to our house and cooked beans and rice, Yucca and we also had watermelon and brownies. It was exhausting but fun and we all enjoyed ourselves.

Burn Pile

The rest of the week has been working out in the yard. It is amazing how much overgrowth we have each year. We have about six garbage cans full of debris that we will haul off to the recycle center. I am not done yet but at least I can see some improvement. The garden is starting to grow, the beans, beets and carrots have poked through the soil and I have an abundance of snow peas to give away! The Kahrs decided the burn pile has grown large enough and so Des and Dave torched it on Monday to beat the fire restrictions that are due to go into effect any day now. As usual, it was a pretty spectacular sight!



Luis and the Cubans came back down on Wednesday and worked on the projects that they had started last week. The church is almost done and they are working on the trim and cupola and they painted our house where they had to add new siding when they put in the windows last fall. So, now our house is all one color once again!

We headed into West Linn on Thursday as Dave is going to build a wall to close off Jordyn's bedroom. When Lara moved into this condo, it only had three bedrooms and so Jordyn drew the short stick and got the room which is the family/office off the living room. Since it has no door, Dave will make it more private for her.

Leslie, Jay and Paige are in Hawaii for a week and should be back soon. They are over for a soccer game and to get some R&R. I am looking forward to hearing all about their trip. Our granddaughter, Ashtin leaves for France and Spain in a week. She is going with a group from school who want to practice their Spanish.

Well, that's about all the news my way. I hope all is well your way!