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June 15, 2018


It has been over a week since we have returned from our fabulous vacation and I am still trying to get caught up. I finally got in the right time zone which helps a bunch. For a week or so, I was sleeping till 4:00 a.m. and then wide awake, but now I am back to the 7:00 a.m. schedule. I love traveling but it is nice to be back home.

Last Saturday Wheeler had their annual clean-up day. Dave and I participated in that. I helped with emptying the trash that people brought and Dave drove around town with his trailer to pick-up trash for those who were unable to bring it down themselves. The weather held off for most of the day but a shower did come it and got us wet. We stuffed ourselves with brownies, cookies and pastries that were donated. We had to keep up our strength! All-in-all, we filled two large dumpsters with trash and one dumpster almost full with metal. This is our 11th year for doing this and it seems to be helping because there doesn't seem to be as much junk in people's yards as there once was.

I have been working out in the yard when the weather allows, trying to get some of my weeding done. I got my vegetable garden planted and my snow peas are beginning to yield. I had planted them before leaving on vacation. The cat was glad that I am back too. He missed his "back-brushing" that I give him.

We are expecting the Cubans to show up this week. They have been doing some work on our place and a couple of weeks ago they said they wanted to do another pig roast like they did last year. So we made arrangements with our neighbors, the Kahrs to have it down on their dock on Saturday afternoon because they have more room. We have invited about 35 people (neighbors and friends) and I don't know how many Cubans will show up. They will bring the pig and we will have beans and rice with bananas and watermelon for dessert. An authentic Cuban meal. They were supposed to show up on Wednesday and finish with the church painting and other projects that they had left undone, but it rained on Wednesday and they couldn't do much painting so we didn't see them. They didn't show up on Thursday either and we're starting to get a little nervous. I sure hope we hear from them soon as I don't want to have to cancel the party.

We had to make a run into Portland on Tuesday. Dave had an appointment for a bone scan up on the hill at OHSU. His doctors are continuing to monitor his health and this test followed a CT scan he had done a couple of weeks ago. This scan took most of the day. They had to inject stuff in his veins and then wait 2 hours before they did the scan. While we were waiting we ate lunch and then stationed ourselves in a couple of comfortable chairs at the lobby of the main hospital and people-watched . It was very interesting but then, it doesn't take much to entertain us!

Not much happening otherwise. After that marathon of pictures last week, I seem to be making up for it by not having any this week! If this pig roast happens this weekend, I'll have more next week. I hope all you fathers out there have a nice Father's Day.