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May 18, 2018



A busy week. In another week, we will be on our train trip across Canada.

Last weekend we drove into West Linn to celebrate Leslie's, Jason's and Jaysa's birthdays and of course Mother's Day. Lara wanted to show us her new condo that she moved into and so we got a tour of that. Not only was the weather wonderful but we enjoyed it with our favorite people.


While we were at Lara's she had a couple of things she wanted her dad to help her with. The television set needed to be mounted to the wall and because they didn't have the parts they needed, Jadyn got to drive her grandfather to the hardware store. She just got her permit and she was a little nervous about driving her grandfather's big rig. But he reported she did real well and they came back from the hardware store all in one piece. Lara's condo has three bedrooms and because reach one of them wants their own room, Jordyn got the short stick. So her bedroom is actually the den or family room and it doesn't have a door. So G-Dad is going to build a wall with a door in it for her after we get back from our trip.


Jadyn, Jan, Dave

We put a few miles on the car when we made four trips to the valley this week. Sunday for the celebration, Monday Dave had an EKG in Beaverton after which we went to West Linn to pick up Jadyn and take her out to Red Robin for a belated celebration of her birthday. Wednesday Dave had a PSA blood test and I had an appointment with my urologist and then Thursday we had a get-together with some of Dave's high school guys to plan a 60-year reunion. I think the car is going to welcome taking two weeks off while we're on our trip!


I was home on Wednesday and managed to get outside and get some yard work done. I got some plants into their planters and just generally spruced up the place. Dave worked on the little pump that we have in the yard that draws water into a bucket and then dumps the water once it is full. The pump hasn't worked for years and so Dave took it all apart and cleaned it up and now it works like new. We also added some rubber duckies to our other fountain just for fun.

I was having a hard time finding some cucumbers this year to plant so I decided to grow some from seeds. I found these Persian cucumbers that I like to get at Trader Joe's and they are really good. To my delight, the seeds sprouted the other day and as soon as we get back from our trip, they will be transplanted to the garden along with the lettuce and tomatoes.

We are looking forward to a visit from our oldest granddaughter this weekend. Ashtin is bringing her college roommate to the coast to show her around. She's from Colorado and has never been to the coast so Ashtin will show her the sights. They'll stay at our place Saturday night. It's still hard for us to believe that Ashtin is old enough to not only be in college, but to drive down here to visit us on her own! The weather looks like it's going to be okay but that's a good-news-bad-news thing. They're going to go to Seaside and if the weather is nice, half the people in the valley will be doing the same thing!

We are getting excited about our train trip. We got the final paperwork the other day and went to the bank to get our Canadian money while we were in town this week All we have to do is give the cat/house sitter her instructions on Monday and get everything packed before we leave on Thursday. I don't know if I will be keeping up with the journal while I am gone because of WiFi connections (pretty much non-existent in the Canadian Rockies), but we are taking the laptop along to give it a try anyway. So, if you see an update here next week, we were successful. And if you don't - well, check back in two weeks!