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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

May 4, 2018



I'm freeee!! I went to the doctor on Tuesday and he said I can start walking in shoes again. Gone is the wheelchair but it has been replaced with a cane! I can wear shoes inside and when I am outside on rough terrain, I have to wear the boot. I am so glad to be on two legs again. But there is one thing I discovered and that is when I am wearing the boot, my body is unaligned and my back started hurting. I even went to the pool for my water aerobics class on Wednesday, but stayed down in the deep end so I would have low impact on my foot. But I think I overdid it and my hips are aching from all the extra activity. Still, it's sooo nice to be able to walk!


Well, the nut doesn't fall from the tree. My daughter Lara texted me the other day, showing me the black eye she got when she did a face plant on the sidewalk, She fell pretty hard and was lucky she didn't break anything. The reason I said that thing about the "nut" was that this is exactly what I did a couple of years ago when I fell in the grocery store parking lot. And I know it should probably be, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" but she said she felt like a nut when she did it, so - there you go!

We are supposed to have nice weather for the next week or so and I am anxious to get some of the flowers that I bought planted in the planters on my deck. I had a friend pick up some tomatoes and lettuce at the plant sale, but the vegetable garden is on hold for a couple of weeks until it is just a little bit warmer. It is usually after Memorial Day before I get my garden in anyway.

Only three more weeks before we leave on our Canadian train trip. I hope I can walk a little bit better than I am now. Each day I work a little harder on my ankle to strengthen it. I wish I was ready to go as I have so much to do around here before I leave.

My darned wash machine starting making a funny noise the other day and I thought, "Oh oh". It sounded like a squeaking noise or a belt was loose and so we called the appliance repairman. The washing machine is almost twenty years old and that is way longer than they are supposed to last. Well, while we were waiting for our appointment with the repairman, I washed a load of clothes and the noise was gone! So we immediately had to call the appliance guy to cancel our appointment. We think maybe it might have been a bird chirping outside that made the noise, but it sure sounded like it was coming from the machine! I know that washing machine is going to die one of these days, but - maybe - not just yet!

Well, nothing more is going on in my neck of the woods. While I have been laid up I managed to finish a few books because there is nothing on television during the day that I am interest in. As I said though, I'm going to try to take advantage of this upcoming nice weather and get myself moving again.