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March 30, 2018


Jan Well, I made it through another week! My ankle is feeling much better and I can't wait to get this splint off. I am getting around pretty well with the wheelchair (no wheelies or anything like that) and can make my way around the house, although I am scratching up the wood molding pretty bad, but that can be repaired. I go back to see the orthopedic doctor on Tuesday and hopefully get into a boot. Even if I do get into a boot, I won't be able to walk. The surgeon told me that it would be six weeks before I could do that and it has been a week and a half since my surgery. Four and a half weeks to go - and yes, I AM counting the days!

Dave I am getting Dave pretty domesticated around here. He does the vacuuming and washes the dishes and just generally hangs around the kitchen, getting things out of the cupboards that I am unable to reach. I still do the cooking but he will help me set the table and get food out of the refrigerator if I ask. To me, that is the hardest part of all this because I am so independent; I hate to ask for help. My girlfriend was over last week with some freshly baked scones to share and she was puttering around in the kitchen and came back with my old saying "let me do it!" Dave got a chuckle out of that because that's what I always say!

We had to do a medical "double-header" in Beaverton on Wednesday. First we saw Dave's Lymphedema therapist and there was good news there. His legs are doing well enough for the therapist to discharge him, so that's one trip we won't have to make again. We also saw Dave's neurologist. The doctor wanted to go over Dave's medications for his restless legs. He asked Dave if the medications were working and Dave's response was, "about 90% of the time". Well, the doctor wants 100% (so does Dave!) so he prescribed an additional pill to take care of the 10%. All in all, we thought we had a couple of good appointments, so we headed back home. I still can't drive, so Dave had to do it all. We only had to stop once on the way back for him to get out of the car and walk around for awhile.

Collage Over the Spring Break, Lara took the girls to Disneyland for a few days. Actually, Jadyn's dance group was scheduled to perform at the theater at Disneyland, so she packed all three girls into a plane and they spent three days in the Magic Kingdom. These are some of the photos she shared and by the looks of them, they had a great trip! I am anxious to hear first-hand about all about their good times.

Jan, Jerry Poor Jerry has been freaked out by my wheelchair and hesitates when he sees me coming to feed him so Dave has been doing most of that. He was curious enough the other night to come directly into the kitchen and then I finally got him over to the chair I was sitting in the living room and he let me pet him and pick him up! This is the feral cat that will barely set foot (paw?) inside the door to eat. For him to come all the way into the living room and then let me pick him up was rare indeed! I think he misses me.

We had to make a trip to Warrenton on Thursday for Dave to get the oil changed in the Ford, pick up a few things at Costco and drop my glasses prescription off at the Eye Clinic. We have been driving the Jeep most of the time as it is easier for me to get into but, of course we needed to take the Ford to get it serviced. That is a problem for me because it is much higher than the Jeep. When I get in the car, I have to stand up from the wheelchair on my good leg and pivot my behind around and into the seat. The Jeep is low enough that I can do that, but the Ford is almost more that I can handle. I finally found that if I really stretch - I mean REALLY stretch, I can just get up and seated. The Ford has a nice running board, but I need to be able to take two steps to use that and that's something I can't do. So the running board us useless, at least it is to me. Oh, the challenges I have discovered being disabled. I have gained a whole new appreciation for those who have to be in a wheelchair all the time.

elk We had a major surprise Thursday. The herd of Elk were on the island in front of our house. We hadn't seen them since last fall so it was a nice sight. This was a smaller herd than we usually see this early. The reason is that the new bulls haven't separated the herd yet and are actually still a part of the group. That means there may be 60 or 70 of them this time of year. Later, when the group separates into their own herds, there will be small groups like we saw today. So, maybe that means some enterprising young bull has claimed his "harem" already. There weren't any youngsters though. When they arrive, it's so much fun to watch them as they prance around like little lambs. Sometimes the grass on the island is so tall that we can't see them until they pop up like little jack-in-the-boxes, kicking up their heels like - well - like youngsters!

It's Good Friday today. That means Easter is here on Sunday. I hope you have a nice Easter. We are driving into Salem to be with our families for the holiday.