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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

March 9, 2018


I have been doing about the same old thing this week. My left hip has bursitis and so that has curtailed me for awhile. I went to the doctor last week and got a prednisone shot which helped but I can't be on my feet for too long before it starts hurting. Boy, it sure is tough getting old!



Dave and I are going to take a train ride in May! Yes, I am so excited about it. We will ride the train from Portland to Vancouver, B.C. and then across Canada to Toronto. It is a twelve-day tour with stops at Banff, Lake Louise and Niagara Falls and then we will fly back home! Dave wanted to take a train ride but his idea was to go across the U.S. to Chicago and I thought that would be rather boring so we compromised and we are going to see some sites along the way via Canada. I can't wait!!

We had a couple of nice sunny/chilly days this week and I got the girls together on Wednesday to volunteer up at the park for a work party. We got a lot of weeds pulled and the ground was just right too, as the weeds came out really nice. The daffodils that we planted last fall in the park are coming up and if we have a few nice sunny days they will start to bloom. I also got out in my garden and planted some snow peas and sweet peas so we will see how that goes.


Dave has been keeping busy between working in his shop and meetings at City Hall. Our City Manager quit in December to take another job and the City Council has the responsibility of hiring his replacement. He has had to attend a number of meetings and finally on Wednesday, they selected the person they're going to offer the position to. So hopefully, he won't have to spend as much time on that.
As I said, he has also been working in the shop. When Leslie was here last month, she asked her dad to build her some planter containers. She even showed him the plans. So, for the past couple of weeks he has been working on them. They turned out so nice that I put my bid in for some for our place. He has other things he needs to do first and so I'm down the line a ways, but he picked up the material to make them this week, so maybe soon?

On Thursday we had to drive over to Beaverton through all the rain and wind. We had quite a storm during the night with wind gusts at 30+ mph. Dave had an appointment with his Lymphedema therapist. His legs are looking much better and a lot of the swelling is down.

Jan, Jerry

We achieved sort of a milestone last night. Our feral cat Jerry, who never gets farther into the house than the back hall or the kitchen, let me carry him into the living room tonight. When he got onto the floor, instead of heading for the door as he usually does, he scouted around the living room and finally let me brush him from my chair in the living room. He has ever even come CLOSE to doing that. Maybe there is hope for him to become somewhat domesticated after all. I know, it's just one small step, but it's a step he has never taken before!

Today we are leaving for Seattle for the weekend. The Northwest Steam Society is having their annual meeting and luncheon at Ivar's on Lake Union. We will drive as far as Tacoma, spend the night and then make our way to Seattle for the meeting on Saturday. Then we will stay overnight in Tacoma before we head back home on Sunday. The trip is a long drive for us and we have to take our time (changing off drivers now and then). We are looking forward to seeing all our steam friends once again.

Oh, one more thing. Don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour on Sunday. Daylight Saving Time is once again upon us.