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March 2, 2018



Another month is gone and in comes March like a lion! Hopefully it goes out like a lamb. It is beginning to feel like spring with all the flowers starting to bloom, even if the temperature is still on the chilly side.

We have had some storms come this way with lots of rain, wind and sleet. It has been below freezing several times and one morning we woke up to a frozen pipe and no water in the house. We had to repair a leak in the water main last summer and the repaired portion of the pipe never did get re-buried. So it was just sticking out there exposed to the cold and of course it froze solid. But Dave thawed it out with a heat gun and we were back in business in no time. Since we didn't have any water and I needed my coffee, I ended up using bottled water in the coffee maker until the water starting flowing once more. There are some things we don't want to live without!



Our little gymnast, Jaysa had a great meet last weekend and we were sorry we had to miss it. She came in first on the bars and made 4th place over all in the competition. We are so proud of her.

We did manage to see a play on Sunday afternoon at the NCRD in Nehalem. They put on a terrific performance of "Born Yesterday". Then on Monday evening, we went to the spaghetti feed to raise money for the local food bank. I always enjoy this as I see many friends and the spaghetti is good and I don't have to cook it.

We had to make a trip into Portland on Tuesday as Dave had to see his oncologist to get a shot for his prostate cancer. The levels on his PSA have risen dramatically and so it is back to the hormone shots again. We are hoping the shots will drop the PSA number back to an acceptable level. Then it was back to Beaverton on Thursday for Dave's Lymphedema treatment. These treatments are working, so it is worth the effort to make that drive as the swelling in his legs has decreased.

With the cold and wet weather we have had recently, Dave has stayed away from the shop and instead has been continuing a project he began several years ago - updating the archives on my journal. He has them back through 2008 now. If you're interested, just click on "Archives" at the top of the page.

Well, that's about all the news my way - I hope all is well your way.