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November 24, 2017




OK, it's not really Friday - I am writing this a couple of days early as Dave and I will be joining our family in the valley to celebrate Thanksgiving and so we will be gone for a few days. I will have pictures to share with you next week. We are looking forward to seeing everyone during the holiday, especially our granddaughters. Ashtin will be home from college and we're glad we're going to have the rest of them too as they all have such busy lives.

Speaking of family, Lara and the girls paid us a visit last weekend. They came down on Saturday and had to leave again on Sunday, but it was nice to have them here. They managed to get some nice weather and were able to spend some time at the beach while they were here.

It began raining shortly after Lara left and it hasn't stopped since. Since it has been raining most of the week, I decided it was a good time to get started on my Christmas cards and holiday letter. This is the earliest I have ever done this and I am sure my two cousins - who are known to have their cards mailed by the first of December - will be surprised when they get mine.


Dave finished his theater performance on Sunday. There were eight performances over three weekends and most were well attended. With rehearsals and the actual play, he was tied up several days a week for over two months. It will be nice to have him home for a while.


We bought a new television last weekend. We have been looking at the ones with a curved screen and Costco had a great sale on them. Besides, our old TV was starting to go bad with streaks in the picture. We are still trying to get the new one set up and adjusted as most of the auxiliary cables that we had for the old TV don't fit the new one.

We have been moving along with our bathroom project. The plumbing is done and we are now in the "shower tile-setting" stage. As a result, our shower has been out of commission for the past several days and I am really looking forward to being able to use it again. We do have a shower downstairs, but it is so much smaller that we can hardly turn around in it.

Well, that's my quick report for this week. I hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving and are thankful for all you have. I know I am.