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January 20, 2017


It's been kind of a "tipsy" week for me.

Between my dizziness and Dave's drowsiness, we still somehow managed to drive ourselves into Tillamook on Tuesday, as we both had doctor's appointments. The doctor diagnosed my dizziness as Vertigo. She said it would take about 4-6 weeks to recover so meanwhile I have been keeping myself as stable as possible. Upon her advice, I bought some motion sickness medication and that has helped tremendously. I am not nauseated anymore and my balance is improving. What an inconvenience that has been!!

Dave had a doctor's appointment the same time as I did on Tuesday for an update on his wrist. The doctor was very pleased with his progress. He still has a few problems holding a spoon correctly while eating but the doctor said that will come with practice. He doesn't have to go back to see him anymore so we can check that doctor off our appointment list.



We had a pretty strong wind storm on Tuesday night and Wednesday. I was planning to go back to my water aerobics class on Wednesday, but after I opened the door to leave and the door about got blown off its hinges, I decided to hold off. We had winds up to 45 miles an hour and the yard looks like a battlefield with branches all over the place. Our street/stop sign even gave up to the wind and was blown over. So did our new house sign that we had put in the ground just a week earlier! I guess we can't complain, as the Portland area had it far worse than us and I would rather have wind than ice.

Dave has been busy working out in his shop and also in the church. He got the flatbed trailer painted. He has been waiting on the daytime temperature to get above 50 degrees before he could paint. The instructions say not to try to paint in temperatures lower than that. He moved the trailer into the church and did the painting in there. He will put the new decking down this weekend and it will be good to go. While we were in Tillamook, we stopped by the DMV and got a new license plate for it. The old one was so beat up you could hardly read it. It just didn't seem right to put that old beater plate on the newly painted and decked trailer.

Next week (weather permitting) Luis and his crew will be back to replace the roof on the other side of the church. We opted to only do one side last fall and didn't realize that the other side was just as bad. We have had a few leaks inside so we decided it should be done also.

That is all the news down our way. We are anxiously awaiting our trip to Phoenix, Arizona next Thursday and looking forward to family and warmer weather for a few days. I may even bring back some lemons and oranges if I have room in my suitcase.