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June 17, 2016


It's been pretty busy around here and I just don't know where the time goes. I wasn't able to work out in the yard much this week because of such changeable weather. One minute the sun is shining and the next we are having a heavy down pour and hail! Crazy! It feels more like the beginning of spring rather than the beginning of summer.

I have been nursing Dave along with his broken wrist. He is trying to get used to doing everything with his left hand but he does get frustrated at times. I have been cutting up his food to make it easier for him to eat, buttoning his shirt and showering and shaving him. He feels it is important to help me with the technical part of this weekly journal and he struggles to do that. He is most grateful to have me around sometimes.

Blazer Crew

We did manage to get away last weekend. We drove into the big city and were treated to dinner by the Trail Blazers radio announcer, Brian Wheeler. Each year, Wheels treats all of the people who have worked with him during the broadcast season. It is really nice of him to invite us since Dave isn't as involved as much as he used to be for the Blazers. His main responsibility now is to hire the engineers for the road games and make sure those broadcasts get on the air. Still, it is an important job and they appreciate him. Anyway, I wasn't planning to go but since Dave can't drive, I was invited too. If I don't go, he don't go! Wheels got off cheap with us. We weren't very hungry, so we split a small pizza. There were about 10 of us altogether, and as usual, it was great to see some of these guys we usually see only a couple of times a year.


Jan, Mark, Paula

We spent that night with Lara and family and then Sunday afternoon, we drove up to Battleground, Washington to visit with Dave's mother's cousin and his wife, Mark and Paula Nichols. They live way out in the country and unless you had a GPS, you would never find it. We were told to look for the green and red buoys on each side of their driveway which was a big help because once you turn onto their driveway, it is another quarter of a mile through the woods before you come to their place. They own 20 acres and the house is situated right in the middle of the property. We had a nice visit with them before we headed back home.

Dave had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. The doctor removed the stitches and changed the dressing. The swelling has gone down in his arm and he is able to move his fingers better. He also had an x-ray of his arm and everything looks pretty good. He will be wearing the apparatus for another 6 weeks before he has that removed. He won't be doing much this summer, and he's pretty frustrated by that.


We got a call from our daughter Lara on Monday. Apparently her second child, Jaysa wanted to be like her granddad and fell on her arm and hurt it pretty bad, but didn't break anything. She has to wear a sling for awhile. Way to start the first day of summer vacation.

Well, that's about all that is happening in my world this week. I hope all you fathers out there have a wonderful day on Sunday. We're going into town so the girls can have a lunch for their father.