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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast
March 21, 2014


In spite of being under the weather, we have had a busy week. Dave came down with a chest cold and so that has kept us close to home. We did manage to keep the three appointments that I had scheduled in Hillsboro for Tuesday. Dave had a dermatologist appointment first thing and then from there we went to Trader Joe's to pick up a few things before lunch and then on to see our tax man to get our taxes taken care of. We finished the trip with an appointment with Dave's cardiologist before we headed back home in time for dinner and for Dave to make the City Council meeting. Whew! Is that killing three birds with one stone or what?

I worked in Waterfront Park for a couple of hours on Wednesday before the rains came back and washed me away. The cloudy skies made for a small turnout this time, but the three of us managed to get a few things done. We had pulled out some dead Lithadora plants and put in some new ones. They are the pretty blue trailing plants that are starting to bloom now. They are really beautiful trailing over the park's stone retaining wall all summer. The ground is still too wet to be able to get much weeding done without pulling up half the soil when pulling a weed.

Dave ended up getting a prescription for his cold. It had settled in his chest and the doctor was concerned because his immune system isn't up to speed yet. It has helped a lot and at least he is getting a little sleep at night and so am I. His coughing was really wearing us both out! He was supposed to have a physical therapy session on Wednesday but the therapist sent him home with his cold.

I had a Park Committee meeting on Thursday and we didn't get a lot accomplished as there were only three members present. We hope to get a campaign going to interest more people to volunteer for the parks. Everyone enjoys looking at the results of all our hard labor but no one wants to come out and help us keep it that way! So it goes.

I signed up for an all-day boating safety course put on by the Coast Guard. On Saturday, we are going to learn all about boats and rules of the river. I don't know one end of the boat from another and will probably never have a lot of use for all this information, but you never know and Dave thinks it would be a good idea for me to go ahead and get my certificate. At least then I would be legal if I ever did have to run a boat. I have always maintained that Dave is the one with salt water in his veins while I have soil in mine. Maybe when I am through with this class I may want to actually take the helm and pilot a boat but we will see.

Spring has sprung - well, at least according to the calendar that is. Our weather has been sunny one minute and raining the next. There has been a nip in the air from the wind that is blowing from the north so I am not sure I want to get out there and work in the yard just yet. I got the lawn mowed for the first time this season so that is always a good sign.

We didn't take any pictures this week. There was nothing exciting. I mean, really, who wants to see photos of us sitting watching it rain or visiting the doctor?