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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

November 4, 2011


Jack O’lantern ” WIDTH=


Happy Halloween! I really didn't do very much preparation for Halloween. We don't get any trick-or-treaters at our place but found out that Taylor who is three was coming by to show us his costume. So I quickly purchased a pumpkin and carved it up to show him that I was in the spirit of things. He came by and had the trick-or-treat message down by then and I gave him a package of M&M's. He was all dressed up in his devil costume and was really getting into it. He had stopped by his grandparent's (Des & Donna) house prior to ours and Grandma just about scared the socks off of him when she answered the door and she was dressed as a witch and had a wig on. He took one look at her and backed up clear to the railroad tracks before he turned and started to run! The poor kid will probably be traumatized the rest of his trick-or-treating days! After Dawn and Taylor left our place, we drove down to the grandparents and enjoyed a nice visit while waiting for more trick-or-treaters. Unfortunately, in this little town, we don't have many. According to my grand-daughters, they made quite a candy haul. It helps if you live in the big city and have more places to go.

Des’ ‘shrooms” WIDTH=

Des and Donna love to pick mushrooms and have been out in the forest harvesting their crop all week. They have special secret places they go and have a great time. We are not great mushroom fans but will eat them if they are fresh. Des and Donna were busy drying mushrooms when we arrived for the Halloween visit. It is quite a job they go through just for mushrooms. One of the reasons I don't go mushrooming is because I don't know a poison one from a non-poison one and heaven forbid if you happen to tread on another mushroom pickers turf. Besides there are hunters out there who might mistake me for a deer. It is nice that Des and Donna share their bounty with their friends.


Well, here it is November and the temperatures are starting to get a little colder. We had the thermometer drop into the low thirties the other evening and I put most of my plants that I wanted to save in the greenhouse. Dave went out and finished winterizing the steamboat. We finally turned the furnace on for the first time. The inside of the house has been lingering around 65 degrees the past month and we have been using our little propane stove to get the "chill off".

We have had a couple of stormy days mixed in with some cool but clear weather. While driving back from my water aerobics class the other morning, I spotted this beautiful rainbow. Actually it was a "fogbow" because it was foggy out and not raining at all. But it did make for a beautiful picture.

Dave and the rest of the Riverbend Players will be performing their Robert Service poetry and verse again this weekend. This will be the final weekend of their play. The attendance was pretty sparse last weekend due to all the other events going on around town but I am sure that the word got out how great the performance is and hopefully there will be a lot more people this weekend. I went last Saturday and enjoyed it very much. Sunday afternoon following the final performance, we will have a potluck to celebrate.