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October 17, 2008
We have been unwinding after our German guests left last week. It was so wonderful to see Tina again and to get acquainted with her son, Quentin and husband, Steven. They were with us for a week and though it rained most of the time that they were here, they did have a nice time and got a chance to relax before they headed back home.
Anyway, the house is once more quiet with just Dave and myself around. Of course, we have been having off-again, on-again weather and since it was nice on Saturday, we took a little outing and went to Manzanita to the monthly paperback and magazine sale at the library. We got there just before the doors were closing and most of the books/magazines had been pretty well picked over. But I came home with three paperbacks (at $1.00 each) so I didn't feel too bad. Dave got a Woodcrafter magazine. We keep forgetting about this sale each month and we can pick up some pretty good reading material cheap. I guess we had better put it on our calendars from now on. After the library, we stopped at the Harvest Festival that was going on at Alder Creek Farm in Bayside Gardens. They had a large crowd there and lots of vendors. I bought some veggies and some farm fresh eggs and talked to a few people that I knew.
Dave had to leave Sunday morning because he had an early Blazer game in town. I decided to stay at home and relax by reading the Sunday paper and watching a couple of good movies on television. Dave didn't return home until almost 8:30 that evening and he was really tired. I sure don't miss those long drives in one day. The Blazers are still in their preseason games and the regular season won't start until October 31st.
We started our reading program on Monday. For the past three years, we have been involved in the SMART program over in Nehalem, but this year the grade school opted not to be involved with that organization and just have their own reading program. So instead of reading with 1st through 3rd graders, we are now reading on Monday afternoons to the 4th graders that can use a little one-on-one. The students know how to read pretty well, but there are a few words they have trouble with and don't even know the meaning of some of the words!
It was into Tillamook to see our doctor on Tuesday. Dave had an appointment with an ENT doctor about his continuing ear infection and I had to get my blood taken for my cholesterol and thyroid. Of course, I couldn't have anything to eat ahead of time and so I was pretty hungry after I was finished. Luckily, I had brought a cereal bar with me. The doctor's office was busy giving flu shots, so I decided I might as well too. Besides, my arm had already been poked with a needle for some blood, what's another hole? After stopping at the store for some groceries, we got back home around 1:30. Dave had a play rehearsal that afternoon so we didn't have a lot of time to spare. Anyway, the nurse called me back on Thursday and said my cholesterol level was great but my thyroid level wasn't. So they are going to boost my medication for that and I have to go back into the lab for another blood test in a month to see if that helped.
We decided that we had better get the Captain Bell out of the water for the year and so Wednesday turned out to be the perfect day. Dave got it steamed up and our friend Ray signed on as deckhand to help with the retrieval. It really is a three-person job. I met them at the dock in Wheeler and helped haul her out. There was no wind and the tide was just beginning to turn so we made it in one try. Usually, we are fighting the wind and current and it takes a couple of tries to get the boat exactly right on the trailer. It wasn't perfect, but close enough. It's only leaning a little to one side and Dave will get it straightened up later. It was a real mess after being in the water for several months. There was some nasty scum and a lot of barnacles to scrub off the hull after we got home. It took us most of the afternoon to get it cleaned up and to drain the water out of the bilge. We will store it in the boat barn for the winter.
We will be going to Silverton on Saturday to watch a couple of granddaughters play soccer. I sure hope the weather is good because I don't feel like standing out in the rain. After the game, we are all heading over to Lara's to celebrate her birthday with cake and ice cream. Her birthday is on Monday, so she will be getting a head start on the celebration.