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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

August 8, 2008


Happy summer! Our weather was picture perfect and then the fog and clouds rolled in. Of course, we are planning a work weekend with the kids on Saturday and I sure hope we don't have a downpour.

What did I do this week?

Last Friday we had to go into the big city for a wedding. A guy that Dave works with got married and it was quite the wedding. We arrived at this 10,000 square-foot mansion where the wedding was going to be held. It overlooks the golf course in West Linn. It was a little slow getting into the drive way because they had valet parking and I don't think they expected everyone to arrive at once. The parking attendants were having trouble getting it organized so the wedding was about 15 minutes off schedule. At least it stopped raining and it was quite pleasant outside during the ceremony. The reception was around the pool at this home with a huge buffet. After the celebration, we spent the night in West Linn with Lara's family.

After we woke up on Saturday, we went out for breakfast and then headed for Leslie's place in Silverton. They had an electrical problem with their timer on the pool and wanted Dave to look at it. After he decided the timer was rated for the wrong voltage and had gotten burnt up, Dave took off for the Steam-up in Brooks and Leslie, I and the girls went for a ride to Gervais to a family farm which is like a farmer's market all the time. They had fresh picked vegetables, fruits and beautiful flowers. I was in seventh heaven. I ended up buying some corn, beets, tomatoes and peaches before I got out of there. Leslie drove me to Brooks (we were already half way there) and we met up with Dave. He and I then left for home, stopping at Fred Meyer on the way back.

I have spent most of the week out in the yard, working on different projects until the mosquitoes started eating me alive. I don't know where they came from, as I haven't been bothered all summer. I have also been watching the antics of the two squirrels that have laid claim to the feeders. They are sure fun to watch chasing each other away and scolding each other back and forth. We also were invited for a "bring whatcha got fixed for dinner" at Kahrs' this week. Donna called just as I was beginning to fix us a steak for dinner and I had made a salad and she had made some delicious homemade tomato soup and had some Alaska King Crab legs to share. So we shared our steaks and they shared their crab (a sort of turf and surf dinner) and we ate like kings.

We got some bad news about our local swimming pool. The pool has been shut down for the summer so there won't be any more water aerobics for a while. They had told us that they would be closing after Labor Day for eight weeks, but as it turned out their financial woes were worse than they thought. The IRS decided that they hadn't paid their quarterly taxes (they had - but had to prove it) and closed their banking account, which meant that the employees couldn't get paid. Even though the IRS was wrong, they won't give them their money back until the end of the month. Besides that, since the price of oil has skyrocketed, they just can't afford to keep the pool heated any longer. It is really a shame too, as a lot of locals use the pool for therapeutic reasons. A lot of the ladies in my class have arthritis and the exercise seems to help them. It is also a watering hole for the latest gossip going around town too. So I got back on the treadmill last night and will use that for my exercise for a while.

As I mentioned, the kids are all coming down this weekend to help us clean out the old church. I have ordered a dumpster and it should arrive today. We have the dumpster for a week and I sure hope we can get things cleaned out around here. I also told the guys to bring their chainsaws as I have a couple of trees to cut down and limbs to prune.

No pictures this week, sorry about that.