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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

July 20, 2007


I started out last Saturday by washing the windows on the house and deck, and then just to make sure that it would rain, I washed the car too! That did it for sure because it started raining the next day and it rained through most of the week! After having sweltering temperatures for two weeks where I just wished it would cool off a little, it started to rain. We needed the rain, but the not the humidity that came with it. I don't know how people elsewhere stand that humidity thing, but I hate being sweaty all the time and not being able to keep dry. This weather was especially frustrating though, because we count on having a couple of nice weather months in July and August. Rain really wasn't in our plans!

Since I couldn't do much outdoors, I had to plan some "indoor" activities to keep myself from going crazy. I decided to tackle a much-needed job - so I cleaned my refrigerator. It is amazing what you can find growing in there! Then I cleaned out the motorhome from last month when Dave had used it for the races. I don't mind cleaning it so much, but it is trying to make that darn bed that is so hard. Ours is a Class "C" motorhome, which means the bed is up above the driver's compartment. It's a tight squeeze after you climb up on the ladder to get there! It is a one-man (well, usually one-woman) job and I have to crawl up on top of the mattress while trying to tuck in all the sheets and blankets in a space that's about 2-feet high. And I have to do that while still trying make it look nice. When I get all done I feel like I have wrestled an alligator!! But it is all nice and clean and ready to go. We'll use it again in a couple of weeks when we go to the steam meet in Seattle.

Since we have had all the rain, there hasn't been a lot to do and we've spent way too much time watching our wildlife. We have been enjoying the antics of our little chipmunk and squirrel out on the deck. The squirrel is very protective of his territory and is always chasing the smaller chipmunk away. The chipmunk has it all planned and just about knows when it is safe for him to make his move toward the feeder. He keeps running back and forth on the deck with his cheeks bursting with food. We think his is burying the sunflower seeds someplace in my flowers but he is so quick we can't keep track of him. I am sure in a few weeks I will have all kinds of stuff sprouting up in my flowerbeds.

Broken Bench We had another disappointment down at the Waterfront Park. Last Saturday night someone demolished the Bell Memorial bench that was dedicated to Dave's parents and placed in the park for everyone's enjoyment by the garden club. We think what happened was that someone was using that parking lot while they visited the bar next door. When they left, they put the car in the wrong gear and jumped the barrier, ran through the grass and hit the bench. It broke off the back and arms of the bench and pretty much totaled it. We tried to get replacement parts for it, but just found out that the model has been discontinued and parts are no longer available for it. So, we are going to have to fix it somehow. There has been an outpouring of indignation and support from people in town and the city public works department is going to tackle the repair job, so maybe it will be okay after all. It's just so frustrating that someone would damage it and then just take off and not do anything about it.

On a happier note, the six plants that were stolen from the park a couple of weeks ago have been replaced and we will see how long before something else happens! It is really discouraging to see this kind of behavior going on. We hope to get some motion lights put in and maybe that will help. We don't have any police or security to watch the place so we are really at the mercy of the public. It was nice of a private citizen to step forward and donate the replacement plants. We spent Thursday dodging rain showers while replanting the flowers and generally cleaning up the park.