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January 12, 2007


After our game on Sunday night, we headed back home and we have been here ever since. We have had lots of rain and wind this week so we were pretty much stuck inside the house. Besides, Dave has been really sick with a sinus infection and didn't feel like doing much. Picture a zombie from "Night of the Dead". That was him. I finally got tired of his runny nose and hacking and coughing and sleepless nights and called the doctor to get a prescription for him. After getting some antibiotics in him, his infection is starting to get under control. He had this infection for almost 4 weeks prior to this and then it returned. I hope this will clear it up for him because he sure is hell to live with when he doesn't feel good!

collage The biggest news that I have to report is our record-breaking 10 inch snowfall. It snowed most of Wednesday night and when we woke up on Thursday morning, there was this winter wonderland all around. This is very unusual for the coast to get any snow, let alone this much. In fact, we just heard that this was a record-breaker...it has never snowed this much...ever...along this part of the coast! I fed the birds all day and put some fresh water in the birdbath. I even had a lonely hummingbird fly in to see if there was any nectar left in the feeders. Boy, was he off the beaten path! We also spotted a bald eagle as it flew by. What a sight! As the snow began to melt, we could hear this avalanche of snow falling off our roof. We have a metal roof on the house, and when the snow starts sliding, the whole thing goes! It sure was an impressive sight from the inside! My first thought was that I didn't have to venture out in it. Oh, that is a wonderful thing.

Our good friend, Stan Boyd dropped in on Tuesday, as he was doing an electrical job down our way and needed a place to spend the night. That way, he didn't have to drive back and forth. He and his wife, Terrie, just got back from Florida visiting with their girls and families during the holidays. It was great to see him, although he was still on "Florida" time and he kept drifting in and out all evening long! They had a good time in Florida, but like everyone, were glad to be back home and into their old routines.

We had a different water aerobics class this week. On Wednesday, during our workout, those that wanted to were handed a scrub brush and cleaning solvent and we scrubbed the edge of the pool where the water drains. The maintenance man had broken his arm while snowboarding and couldn't clean the pool during our holiday break, so a bunch of us grabbed a brush and started scouring away to our music. It was quite a sight to see! We only managed to get one end cleaned, but it was a start. I guess we won't complain about the pool anymore. That's living in a small town for you where everyone pitches in and helps whenever they can. I can sure feel the aftereffects of that cleaning day in my arm today!

I spent part of the week going over all the Christmas cards and letters checking addresses, etc. We sure do enjoy getting letters from folks. It is usually the only time we hear from people and we find out about all sorts of things. For instance, some people have moved, the wife of a cousin of Dave's had twin boys last February and I doubt we would have ever known unless they wrote about it in the Christmas letter. Another woman who lived with us for a year had a baby in November. You would think with the email and cell phones, that it would be easier to communicate, but somehow our lives get so busy and complicated that we forget. The new mothers, I can understand. They've got their hands full. I guess we're the ones that need to do a better job of staying in touch. Part of the problem, I guess, is the trouble we've been having with the "captainbell.com" address. We don't get any of that mail any more, and the sender doesn't get a notice that the mail wasn't delivered. Because of that, we had to change to the "nehalemtel.net" address, but not everyone knows that. Anyway, Christmas letters are great in my book.

We made reservations for our annual trip to Phoenix next month to visit with my sister and her family. With all the storms and bad weather we have had this season, I am REALLY looking forward to warm days full of sunshine. We will be heading down there the 7th of February for a week. You hear that, Arizona? Sunny and warm the second week of February!!! Right?