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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

November 3, 2006


It has been a busy week trying to get some outdoor work done before the big storm rolled in on Thursday. They've been talking all week about how the weather was going to turn bad, and so I managed to get the leaves raked and lawn mowed while it was still sunny and nice. But after the winds blew and rain started pouring, you would never have known I had spent two hours cleaning the yard up. It's two inches deep in leaves again! You can't even see the grass! Oh well, I enjoyed getting outdoors in the fresh air because I don't know when I'll get another chance. June probably.

Tuesday, I heard that they were giving flu shots at the Rec Center, so Dave and I got that taken care of. We usually can get a free flu shot from the Blazer's doctor after a game. But we were talking about how difficult that would be since we are now situated so far away from the team and it's impossible to get down to the floor after the games as we're usually still on the air. This worked out for the better getting the shots here, except my arm has been tender for the last couple of days from it.

Ashtin & Paige We didn't have any trick or treaters on Halloween. We didn't last year either, so I didn't even bother getting any candy. I do miss seeing all the ghost and goblins coming to our door though. There just aren't any kids on our street, or really anywhere close to us at this end of town, so we just don't see any of them. I had our girls send me pictures of the grandchildren in their costumes anyway, just so I wouldn't feel left out. Ashtin went as a cowgirl, Paige was a mermaid, Jadyn is our little princess and Jaysa an angel. Cute!! The pic of Ashtin and Paige came from a camera phone, so it's a little fuzzy, but you get the idea! We keep telling Leslie and Jason that they have to hurry and get Internet access at their new place so we can get pictures! They live just a little too far out of town to get any of the usual Internet sources, so they're going to have to work on that!

Jadyn & Jaysa As I said earlier, we had this huge storm come in from the ocean and it has been raining really hard. It rained so hard that it woke me up during the night. I guess we might as well hunker down for a while as it is supposed to last for a week. We'll be gone a lot this next week, but we'll work on indoor projects when we're home. I read a lot last winter...I might as well get my library ready for this rainy season!

Oh, another thing. Remember me telling you about our little chipmunk that visited us all last year and then suddenly disappeared this summer? I think the cats got him, but his cousin showed up at the feeder the other day. Dave almost frightened him away as he came around the corner of the fence where the little guy was feasting. I don't know who was more surprised, Dave or Julio! (Yes, they're all named Julio). All Dave could see was this streak of fur heading for safer ground. He did venture back though, so we will get to enjoy his company for a while. I sure hope he watches out for those darn cats!!

We are taking off for town today. We are going to set up early for the Blazer home opener on Saturday. The reason we are setting up early is because it will be a rehearsal for the TV and radio effects and we want to test this out before hand. We have had enough stress during the preseason and we are hoping everything will run smoothly. We are also meeting our friends, Des and Donna Kahrs for brunch on Sunday to celebrate Donna's birthday.