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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

August 11, 2006


Well, here we go again...I'm posting a day early because I won't be near the computer on Friday.

Another busy time down at the coast this week, we managed to recuperate after the Salmon Festival over the weekend. Dave spent most of Saturday and Sunday trying to keep his head above water and I worked a shift on Sunday in the afternoon. Then we spent another couple of hours tearing everything down. The Festival was a huge success but a lot of hard work goes into making it that way.

We took the steamboat out of the water on Wednesday so we could get it cleaned and shined for the steam meet this weekend in St. Helens. I spent most of the day cleaning deck plates and polishing brass. My arms were about to drop off by nightfall, but it is ready and it looks beautiful.

We got a call on Wednesday morning that Dave's sister Leanna had been admitted to the hospital for emergency gall bladder removal. She had been complaining about stomach pain and went in for an ultrasound and the doctors immediately determined that her gall bladder was in such bad shape that it had to come out immediately. She will be in the hospital for a couple of days so meanwhile, her son's girlfriend is staying at her house and taking care of her dog and will care for Leanna when she gets back home. I am so glad because we are leaving for the steam meet and would worry all weekend about her.

goldfinches We had some excitement in our town too this week. A couple of guys with ski masks and guns held up the Wheeler Pharmacy after closing the other night. After they took the drugs and money they needed, they tied up the employees and fled. By the time pharmacy crew got themselves untied, the bandits were long gone. I thought moving to a small town of 300 people that it would be relatively safe from some of the crimes of the big city, but I guess it is everywhere.

Boy, the word is out from the Goldfinches that there is plenty of food at the Bell's. We counted over eight birds on one sack of food at once. They are eating me out of house and home, but that is okay. I think they fly to Mexico in a month or so but I am sure some other birds will move in and take their place. I enjoy watching them just the same.

Well, it is off to the steam meet in St. Helens, so next week I hope to have pics of all the boats at the meet. The weather is supposed to be perfect and I am looking forward to seeing all our friends once more.