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May 26, 2006


I have spent most of this week running back and forth to Portland, and the price of gas these days; I must be out of my mind!

Anyway, I went into town last Friday to get hair cut so I would look nice for our family picture on Saturday. Dave and I drove separately, because he had jury duty and wasn't planning on spending the whole weekend in town. I, on the other hand, was meeting my sister Jeanne, who was up from Phoenix for a couple of days to visit with friends and our Mom.

On Saturday, we got the whole group together for our family picture. I was a little anxious for my grandchildren as Jaysa (the one-year old) hadn't been feeling very well. She held up pretty good, but after about 30 minutes she had had enough and things went downhill fast after that. The other grandchildren were very good about the whole thing. Anyway, while we waited for the proofs to be ready, we all went to lunch at Red Robin. The pictures as a whole (what can you expect when you get 10 bodies together?) turned out pretty good. The photo didn't flatter me very well, but I don't take very good pictures anyway.

On Sunday, Dave left for home and I met up with my sister Jeanne. We went shopping for a birthday present for my Mom and then we had dinner with her at her place. Then I took Jeanne over to visit with Lara's family as Mom usually goes to bed pretty early. One nice thing about where my Mom lives is that they have rooms for out of town guests, so Jeanne just spent the night at her place. That way, she had all morning on Monday to get in a good visit. Jeanne was only staying until Tuesday when she had an early flight back to Phoenix.

Auntie Babe After dropping her off at her home, we spent the night with Lara and family in West Linn. I had a retirement lunch to attend on Wednesday so I had to be in town anyway. My ex-boss retired and it was fun to see all the old gang from work. I had to get up and give an impromptu speech about my boss, and I felt really uncomfortable about doing that. My boss was kind of hard to work for and was really high maintenance and drove me crazy sometimes. I was afraid that I was going to say the wrong thing, but it turned out okay and we had a really nice time. After the lunch, Dave and I drove back home. I think we are home for a couple of days now.

It has been too cold to work outside, so Thursday afternoon we decided to go to the movies. We both had read the book "The Da Vinci Code" so we wanted to see the movie. We both agreed that the book was far better than the movie, which is usually the case. I don't know what the big controversy is all about with that movie. It is all fiction anyway.

Dave has been under the weather for the past few days and I think he picked up a bug from the grandchildren. I sure hope I don't get what he had as he was really uncomfortable. I've actually been feeling pretty good. The latest report on my shoulder is that it seems to have snapped out of it. That last visit to the chiropractor seemed to have done the trick. I had also called up to make an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon and maybe that made it feel better. Who knows, but I am back doing my water aerobics and my shoulder feels great. Good enough in fact, that I was able to cancel the orthopedist appointment.

May wasn't a particularly busy month, but Dave had jury duty all month long, so we couldn't get very far out of town because he had to call in each night to see if he had to report the next day. Turns out the only time he was actually called for a jury was for a nasty rape case that was scheduled for three days. No way he wanted to be around for that, so he was pretty outspoken when the lawyers interviewed the prospective jurors. He was the first one they asked to leave! Problem solved!

There may not be a lot to talk about next week. I'm staying in West Linn to babysit the grandkids for Lara, and Dave is going to go get the steamboat (finally) from Everett. Things might be kind of slow on the old journal...but then every time I say that, something comes up worth talking about. Stay tuned!