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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

January 27, 2006


Boy, this month has dragged by and I think it is because we have had so much rain and I have really felt cooped up. I knew it had been very wet, but I read in yesterday's paper that over a 35-day period in December and January, we had 36 inches of rain! And that includes a couple of days where it didn't rain at all! I don't mean to wish my life away, but February; will you hurry up and get here? Actually, I am counting the days until March when we go to Phoenix for a couple of weeks to some SUNSHINE!

Not much out of the ordinary happened this week, just the same ol', same ol'.

Since Dave had to engineer the lacrosse game on Saturday night, I volunteered to baby-sit for all four of the grandchildren in the afternoon. Lara and Greg got away to see a movie and Leslie had to go to a birthday party in the area. It was a lot of fun keeping them entertained and the girls all seem to get along, so it wasn't very hard. I like to help whenever I can because I know that once in a while, you need to have a break from your kids.

Jake Princess Little Jadyn has several "princess" costumes, and can be counted on to parade in front of the camera at least once!

We headed back to the coast after the Blazer game on Sunday night. The Sunday night games start an hour earlier than usual, and we've decided that we can drive home after those games without it getting too late. Well, the best made plans, and all that. The game went into overtime, so our hopes of getting home early quickly vanished. It was almost midnight before we crawled into bed.

Of course, Monday came early for me as I had my aerobics swim class and then in the afternoon, we had SMART reading up at the Nehalem grade school. Both Dave and I were dozing in our La-Z-Boys and had to peel ourselves off the ceiling when we received a phone call at 6:30 that evening from our daughter, Leslie. She was just "checking in" to make sure we had made it home okay. Does that make you feel "old" or what when you start dozing off at all times of the day. I mean, we were entitled...it had been a rough weekend, but still...6:30? Luckily, it doesn't seem to affect our sleeping during the nights.

Jan's Jungle We finally had a break from the rain on Tuesday and Wednesday. That bright thing in the sky finally came out. I couldn't stand being in the house any longer so I decided to do some yard work. I tackled the climbing rose bush that hadn't been cut back in years and it was smothering all the other vegetation in the yard. I should say that it got the better of me as I came inside with thorn wounds on my fingers! That hurt.

It was back to the hard rain again by Wednesday afternoon and Dave had to run into Portland to engineer a Blazer game. It was one of the few games that I don't work, as Denver has a "traveling" engineer with them. So I volunteered to help stuff about 3,300 brochures for the Chamber of Commerce that evening up at the Rec Center in Nehalem. There were about 15 people that showed up to help so the job went quickly and we were all done in an hour or so. I came back home and watched the second half of the Blazer game on television and then went to bed.

We have to run back into Portland today, as there is a Blazer game tonight and a LumberJax (lacrosse) broadcast on Saturday. Then we are back home again until next Wednesday. I hope to get some shopping in while I am in town this weekend, unless something comes up.