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January 20, 2006
We spent last weekend in town as we had games on Friday and again on Sunday. In between, we drove down to Salem to watch our oldest granddaughter, Ashtin play basketball.
It was more of a "bunch ball" affair along with a great learning experience from the referee. Each player was given a colored wristband and was told to guard the opposing team member who was wearing the same colored wristband. I thought that was quite an ingenious idea. I think that some of the NBA basketball teams we work with should consider it! Later that evening, we stayed to watch the girls while their parents went to the Woodburn Police Awards banquet. Jason, our son-in-law, received two awards for valor. You think he has a fairly routine job until you read the award citation and see what he did! Good job, Jay!
On Sunday, we got tickets for Leslie, Jason, Ashtin and Paige to come to see an NBA game. The Cleveland Cavaliers were in town with their star player, LeBron James. Since Ashtin has just started playing basketball, it was quite a learning experience to see how the "big boys" play. They all had a good time and were especially excited when we won. After the game, we drove back down to the coast and since Monday was a holiday and I didn't have my aerobics class to go to, I didn't have to get up early. But guess what? I was awake at my usual time anyway. Why does that always happen?
We weren't home long as we had another game on Wednesday. This time we decided to drive in, work the broadcast and then come back home after the game since we don't have to be back in Portland until Saturday. Driving back and forth in one day is just too much. We didn't get back home until 12:45 AM, and I had to get up in the morning to go to my aerobics class. Not only that, but I had this tremendous toothache from the pressure of my sinus that kept me awake for most of the night. I was really dragging my tail by Thursday afternoon.
We have tried to keep the trips interesting by listening to books on CD. Right now, we're listening to "The Lord of the Rings", so the whole trip was Hobbits, Orks and the evil of Mordor. It does a pretty good job of passing the time.
It is still raining cats and dogs here. I guess you must be tired of me mentioning that every week, but it was been almost 30 days of rain that we had. Even at that, we still can keep our sense of humor. When the sun finally came out briefly the other day, I heard that they had an all points bulletin out, telling all Oregonians to take cover because of the strange light in the sky!! I almost forgot what the sun looked like! One thing about living in Oregon, we do have a lot of rain and we really do appreciate the sun when it shines. I am soooo looking forward to our trip to Arizona in March where the sun always shines. We are going to house-sit for my sister and brother-in-law while they go to Israel for a couple of weeks. While we are there, our friends Stan and Terrie will be joining us and among other activities, we are planning a train trip to the Grand Canyon for a couple of days.
My nephew's wife in Missouri has given me an embroidery project to do. She sent everyone in the family a blank piece of cloth that we were to embroider anything we wanted and then return it to her when we were finished so she could make a family quilt. I decided to embroider the Captain Bell and just finished that up this week. I guess I started something because now Dave thinks that would look good on a couple of shirts so that we can wear them at our next steam meet.
On Thursday, the rain slowed enough for Dave to tackle that pesky water leak we have had. The leak has been going on for quite awhile and our water bill has become outrageous. Last month was 5 times higher than usual and who knows what it will be this month! Anyway, the good news is that the City guy came by and helped him spot the leak (don't ask me how he could do that, the ground has been saturated with water for the past month) and it was close to the end of the water line, but the bad news is that it is right under a tree trunk, so Dave had to get the chain saw out and remove part of the root system before he could get to the leaky pipe! We didn't like that tree there anyway and had plans to remove it eventually. Now with half the roots gone on the downwind side, it will probably fall across the road the next time it gets stormy!
Not a whole lot of interesting stuff coming up on our calendar. Lots of basketball games and now Dave is doing professional LaCrosse too! Anything for a buck, but it doesn't allow us too much time at home! See ya next week!