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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

November 18, 2005


At last, we have a few days of beautiful, DRY fall weather. I was hoping for this so I can get more yard work done before winter sets in. One of the things that I miss living down here at the coast in the fall is the sound of the wild geese flyng south for the winter. Somehow, they don't fly via the coast so I never get to hear them anymore.

We were in Portland until Saturday and then we hurried home as Leslie and the girls were coming down to spend the night. Jason was out bird hunting with the guys in Eastern Oregon. We had to drop the Subaru off to get the brakes fixed and then we got home in time to turn on the heat in the house and unpack the car before Leslie and the girls arrived. The girls helped me feed the birds that were waiting in the trees for their long awaited meal. I swear you would think that they would starve to death if I didn't feed them!

Dave took the girls up to the video place to get a couple of movies while Leslie and I wandered through the antique mall here in town. She found the cutest wire chicken basket and we filled it with glass eggs for her kitchen. She has a farm theme going on. After we got back, we watched movies and played games. I fixed a spaghetti dinner for everyone that night.

Sunday Leslie and the girls left mid-morning and I got the recycle stuff gathered up and headed over to deposit it. I also washed a few loads of clothes and bedding from the motorhome.

They're baaack!! Finally the workers showed up last week while we were gone and put some of the siding on the garage. They were waiting until dryer weather before they pour the cement for the breeze way between the garage and the house. Guess what folks? According to the weatherman, we have about 10 days of drier weather coming up and I bet those guys don't show up until the last day!

The city workers also came by while we were gone and fixed the street that runs along side of our house. It is a gravel road on a hill and it was getting so bad. The city's water line had been leaking since last summer and caused a lot of erosion down the hill. There were huge ruts and you almost needed to put your car into 4-wheel drive to make it up the hill. Anyway they graded it and put some new gravel down.

We left Wednesday for more games this week and Saturday is moving day for my Mom. I hope to get over there on Thursday and sort through some more things and get packed up so that on Saturday, they will just have to come in and start moving furniture. We are having lots of help. My sister Jeanne is coming up from Phoenix, my other sister Judy and two of her sons, plus my girls and their husbands will be there. Later on Saturday evening, we will be having a big turkey feast since everyone will be together. So on Thanksgiving, Dave and I will probably be eating turkey soup!