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October 21, 2005


My webmaster is posting my journal early this week because he will be unavailable to do so at his regularly scheduled time. He has a basketball broadcast in Eugene on Thursday and won't be around until Sunday night. So here goes for a short week.

We headed down to Salem on Saturday morning to watch Ashtin's soccer game. Her team hasn't lost a game so far and I am sure that they will be really disappointed if they do. At this stage of the game, the score really doesn't matter and most of them are practicing their skills and learning to play as a team. Since the last game I saw her play, she has really improved and seems a lot more aggressive. She even got to play goalie and was lucky a few times that the other team didn't score while she was on duty. After the game, we drove the kids over to the house and assumed control as their parents took off for an early wedding and a night out.

Costumes Ashtin Paige After dinner, I had the girls get into their Halloween costumes, which they excitedly did. Ashtin is the scary witch and Paige is Tinkerbell. They can hardly wait for Halloween. Although Ashtin would be much more suited to go as a jack-o-lantern, because of her toothless grin. She just lost another one of her front teeth so she is beginning to feel the Halloween spirit.

Sunday morning, the parents came home and we headed back to the Coast. Not for long, though. We had a Blazer game on Tuesday so we turned around and came back in to town for that game.

Tuesday was my first Blazer game this season and of course we played a team where the announcers have this marathon of pre-recorded interviews for their pre-game show. I hate working those mini-disks anyway, but when you have to jump from one mini-disk to the other during 30 second and one-minute commercials, it can become very stressful. If only you could see what's going on behind the scenes when you're listening to a commerical!! But the thing that got my blood pressure up was when I discovered about 20 minutes before the program was to start that my mini-disk cord needed repairing. Los Angeles was waiting for those interviews and I couldn't send them! So I was running around trying to find the technical person to solder the wires back together again. It took him about 30 seconds to do this and it took my blood pressure about 30 minutes to go back down! But everything worked okay and the show went on with seconds to spare!

After the game, we had to pack up the equipment and load it into the back of the truck so Dave could use it down in Eugene for the game Thursday. That was a bitch to load but we finally made it home around 11:30 that night.

Girls Girls The next morning we got up and visited with Lara and the girls. It seems like every time I see them they have changed so much. We gave Lara her birthday present (or I should say, Jadyn gave Mommy our present) and she was so excited about it. Our first idea for her birthday was to give her tickets to go see the "Lion King" but it was sold out so she had to settle for a box of Blue Moon Chocolates, a lounging set and a pair of slipper socks instead!

Sunny We finally have nicknames for all the girls. After Ashtin was born, Dave started calling her "AJ", and the rest of them after that all got their own names from Grandad. Paige Michael is "Mickey", Jadyn is "Jake" and now, Jaysa is "Sunny", for sunshine. She is the happiest girl and the name fits her. When she gets to her "terrible twos" I'm sure we'll ask where we got the nickname, but for now, it's a good fit. Dave has had a case of "nickname block", so I suggested this one and he agreed that it was the right name.

Spider As I sit here in front of the computer typing my journal, there is this HUGE spider that has built its web right outside the window. Right now, it is devouring a bug that it had got caught in its web. It sure puts you in the Halloween spirit to see this monster of a spider! I put my hand up there to give you an idea how big that puppy is! And you KNOW that my hand is on the other side of the window!!

AJ I said last week that I would post a pic of Ashtin wearing her new glasses; don't you think it makes her look like a real smarty?

Garage update: Last week, I thought we'd have a garage next door and would have pictures. HA! What we have is six holes in the ground where the poles are going to go...someday. Nothing more has been done, so I'm not promising any more pictures until it's done. We've been down here for over a year now, and I'm still getting used to "coast time". It takes three times as long to get anything done down here. Silly me, I'm thinking that just because they said they'd be done a month ago that they actually would be done. One of these days, I'll figure that out.

Have a great weekend!