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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

May 20, 2005


We decided to come back to our place at the coast on Sunday after spending all last week looking after our granddaughter Jadyn, while her mommy was in the hospital recovering from the birth of her new sister, Jaysa. Besides, Jadyn's Auntie Linn is down from Alaska and has been helping out. Jaysa is a very content baby and just the opposite of what Jadyn was like. We had a heck of a time getting her to even wake up long enough to take any pictures! Jadyn is adjusting pretty well, although she has had her moments. I think she has now decided that the new baby is going to be around for the long haul. Wouldn't you know it? The camera card with the pictures from this last week turned out to be bad and nothing turned out. We'll get copies from someone else's camera and post them later.



Monday morning, I got myself out of bed and headed for my water aerobics class. I have some motivation to lose some pounds as my class reunion is coming up in September and I don't want to look my age (Ha! Ha!). I had managed to lose 10 pounds while I was working out on a regular basis, but I gained it right back due to the inactivity while I was away. So I am back to square one. This week I managed to make it to the pool all four mornings. What a great way to start the day! I have also got my hair cut and styled differently. It is a little shorter and seems to be easier to take care of.

I have been working out in the yard too. I weeded some more and Dave got the grass mowed just before the BIG rainstorm hit. We both got soaked trying to finish up our projects that we had started. We have been having quite the showers and the new weather station in our house indicated that we had almost an inch of rain on Wednesday!

It has been the "battle of the slugs" around here. Those darn things managed to chew my Cosmos down to nubs. It was time to get serious, so out came the slug bait and a spray bottle of ammonia. There's nothing lower than a slug unless it's a slug that's been eating my flowers! I have been able to kill about 20 of those slimey critters each day. I also put some coffee grounds around the plants to see if that would discourage them and so far so good. I guess the grounds must cut them or something because they sure don't like to slither through the stuff! I am hoping the warmer weather will get here soon and that will cause them to crawl back into their hiding place. I told Dave we could always borrow Arnold the goose, but he didn't like that idea too well. You see Arnold is this obnoxious goose that belongs to our friends down the road. Arnold manages to make more of a "mess" than he is worth and he is always leaving his "calling card" all over the place! So it's either goose poop or slugs, I don't know which is worse. Unless, as Dave says, it's goose poop from eating slugs!

We are headed back into town today. Dave has to announce the races and we have a couple to social obligations to do. We should be back Sunday night or Monday.