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May 6, 2005
Still no baby. Lara went to the doctor on Tuesday and he decided to give her another week. That poor girl, she is sooo tired of being pregnant and was hoping to have it all over with by now. She did think something was happening Thursday morning, but after the doctor sent her to the hospital, they just sent her back home again! All this means that Dave and I are on "red alert"! Every time the phone rings and we see her name come up on the caller ID, we think, "This is it". One of these days it'll be the real thing!
On Saturday, Greg, Lara, Jadyn and I went to a local nursery to check out their plant sale. Greg had to buy more lettuce as the first bunch he planted had mysteriously disappeared. It seems some four-legged creature had eaten the tops off of his whole crop. Anyway, not only did I come home with a carload of flowers and vegetables and I couldn't resist this darling birdhouse. It is supposed to attract chickadees and wrens. I really like the detailed painting on it. Dave had to stay in Portland to announce at the races that night, so I headed for home Saturday night with my bounty. The next morning I was out filling my flowerpots and planting in my garden with lettuce, green beans and peppers. Now I just have to keep the slugs away!!
It was back to aerobics the beginning of the week. This week I managed to get in three out of four days again. I work my butt off - but it always manages to follow me back home! I really have an incentive too as I received an invitation to my 45th class reunion this fall and I hope I am in better shape in September than I am now.
Dave managed to get the track lighting done in my utility room and so now I can show you a picture. It turned out really nice and I have more counter space than I ever did before. That area on the left used to be two separate counters and I didn't have much room. We filled that in with the rolling recycle center and now I love it! It saves me a trip out to the boat barn every time I have to store my recyclables. I guess it wasn't that big of a deal, but it seems every time I wanted to take something out there, it was raining sideways!
Wednesday, Dave and I went on a Tillamook area tour with the Chamber of Commerce. Since we are volunteers for the Nehalem Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, they thought it would be a good idea if we were more familiar with other parts of the county too. It's not that we aren't, but there are lots of tourist things around here that we haven't seen. We started at the Tillamook Cheese factory, which is a great place to visit. It's the top tourist destination along our part of the coast. You can walk around up above the work area and watch them make their world-famous cheese. Their ice cream and milk and other goodies aren't bad either, and during the summer the parking lot is always packed. Next, we went to a unique
quilting center, a local smokehouse that sends fish and jerky all across the country, a tour of the Pioneer Museum and a walk through downtown Tillamook. Then it was back to another place called the "Blue Heron" French cheese factory for some wine tasting and then we finished up with lunch and a tour of the Air Museum. That's an old World War II blimp hanger that's seven acres inside. It's huge! We got back home around 2:30 that afternoon and we were both pretty tired. But had learned a lot of new things about the area. And that's just the first tour. We have two more scheduled in the next month.
I spent yesterday and today getting ready for the big plant sale that my garden club puts on every year. I have been busy potting up plants and washing clay pots to sell. I will help with that on Saturday and then take off for town to celebrate Mother's Day with the family. I hope you all have a nice day!