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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

April 8, 2005


This week started out pretty good, although the weather has been wet and windy.


Sunday was Jadyn's second birthday and we attended her party. She is so cute and enjoyed her day very much. She could hardly contain herself when she saw her birthday cake. It was a "princess" cake with all the Disney princess figurines on top. She started carrying around a paper plate and fork just waiting to have a piece of it! Her cousins Ashtin and Paige were there, and they all helped with the opening of her gifts. We gave her a kid's size life jacket so when she goes fishing with her daddy this summer she will be safe. She also got a lot of nice clothes, a new car seat with a cup holder and lots of toys.

We used the occasion to get a "first picture" of all four cousins together. Of course Lara is going to have to work a little to get Miss Jaysa into the world, but at least all four of them are in the same area!

While we were driving the Jeep back in to town for the party, Dave noticed that it wasn't shifting properly. He tried several times to get it to work right, with no luck. So after the party, we dropped it off at the dealership and left them the keys and a note. Thank goodness we were driving separate cars that weekend!

So we packed everything in the Subaru and headed back to Wheeler. I was beginning to get a sore throat, which wasn't surprising as Dave has been pretty sick all week with a cold. Anyway, by the time we got home I felt miserable with chills, fever and a stuffy nose. By Monday, I was carrying around a tissue box, as my nose wouldn't stop running.

Even though Dave was sick, he installed a new garbage disposal for me. The old one had finally quit (after thirty years) so we decided we had better bite the bullet and get a new one. Well, we sort of got carried away and bought this "monster-size" 1-horsepower model, which took up more space under the sink that we had expected. After about three hours of jockeying that thing around, re-plumbing the sink and a few cuss words thrown in, the job was complete. I was reminded that I owed Dave big time for all the trouble. But it is so nice to have a new disposal that works and is quiet.

The Jeep repair shop called and said the transmission was shot, and that they were installing a new one! Thanks Chrysler Corporation, for that 100,000-mile drive-train warranty! He told us to come pick up the car on Thursday.

Tuesday, the contractor came back and did some more repair work in the utility room, so now I can start painting the walls. I had already painted the ceiling white and I had brought home some paint samples that I had picked out for the walls. One was called "Straw" and the other called "Honey". After applying those samples, we didn't like either one. So while I was in town, I picked up another color, "Slivered Pecan" which I think will work out better. The Straw blended in with the countertop too much and the Honey had too much pink in it. The Slivered Pecan is more of a softer yellow. I would like to know who comes up with the names for these paint colors?

It was back into Portland on Wednesday. We had a Blazer game that night, but because I still felt so miserable, Dave got a friend to engineer the visiting broadcast for him and I stayed home. I am glad I did, because by Thursday I was beginning to feel human again. Dave is still sick, so he will be going to see the doctor today. He had a bad bout with bronchitis last fall and I'm afraid that he maybe coming down with the same thing again.

Thursday, we called Northwest Jeep to find out when they would have the car ready, and they told us, "Monday or Tuesday". Monday or Tuesday? What happened to Thursday, and exactly when were they going to share this information with us?

Friday night we have another Blazer broadcast, and then Saturday another of our granddaughters will be having a birthday party. Paige will be three and she is having a pizza party with a "Tinkerbell" theme. We got her a Tinker swimsuit and matching sandals. After that, we are headed home again for a few more days.