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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

November 12, 2004


Just about the same old stuff happening as last week.

We left for town on Thursday last week as Dave had an appointment with the neurologist about MRI they did on his brain. The doctor showed us the spot on the brain that was damaged from the mild stroke that he had. The doctor wants to give him more tests, a carotid ultrasound to check the blood flow in the arteries that led to the brain and also a scan of his heart to see if he has developed any blood clots. So this Friday we will be doing that. He is on Liptor to lower his cholesterol and aspirin to thin his blood for right now. So far, he seems pretty normal again and he doesn't have as much trouble talking as he did before.

I have a follow up on my knee with my doctor also, a post-op check-up. Boy, it seems like when you retire, you sure do start falling apart!!

We ordered the Formica for the office countertop and then had to run in to Portland to the distributor to pick it up. Otherwise we would have had to wait another week for delivery. We had to dodge a bunch of semi trucks that were picking up other orders while we were at the warehouse and the guy felt like he couldn't be bothered with our tiny order, but we got it anyway. While we were in Portland, we also had to pick up the wall bed parts that they forgot to give us when we picked up the bed a couple of weeks ago.

Friday night, we had a Blazer game so we got to the Rose Garden around 1:30 to start our equipment set up. We were playing the LA Clippers. I engineered the visiting team and with their set up, the two guys that do play-by-play and color always have a ton of recorded interviews during their pregame show. It wouldn't be so bad, but I have to jump from one mini-disc machine to the other. There is only 30 seconds between one interview and the next and that can get a little hectic, so I have to make sure you have it all cued up before hand. I tell you, I wish that they would pre-feed the tapes back to the studio before hand and let them push the buttons! Oh well, everything turned out okay and the Blazers won the game. After the game, while we were tearing down the equipment, I dropped a metal end of a cord on my toe and boy has it been tender all week.

Saturday morning, Leslie and the girls came up to see us at Lara's. Even though we manage to see all the grandchildren quite often, it always amazes me how much they can change. Jadyn is saying so many words now and even short sentences. Paige is pretty well potty trained and her little personality is starting to blossom and Ashtin is so grown up for a five year old.

After visiting with my Mom for a while and then meeting up with my friend Bernadette for lunch, we headed back home. It is always good to be back home again.

This whole week has been spent staining pieces of wood. I will be so glad when that is all done. I thought that we would be all finished with the office by now and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will be finished by Thanksgiving as I have family coming and will need the space. That's our goal anyway. By this time next week, we ought to have some pictures of a pretty-well-completed office!

History was made! Dave got his first Social Security Check! He was 62 on September 3rd and since his birthday fell after the 2nd day of the month, he had to wait two months to get his first check. I only had to wait one month, as my birthday is July 2nd. It sucks to be him, don't it? Anyway way, it is nice to have the extra income coming in.

Next week I may or may not have an entry in here as my sister Jeanne is coming from Arizona on Tuesday and we have games on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday and we will just stay in town the whole week. Check in and see, and if it didn't get updated, you'll know why!


Well, it happened again. After getting my grocery cart full of food, I managed to find a short line to check them out. Ha!! The gal in front of me was disputing over some $1.50 item on her list and there were two clerks going over everything that she had bought! That took about 10 minutes, which seemed like an hour! If I hadn't had already placed all my items on the checkout table, I would have gone to another clerk! Anyway, this gal hadn't a clue that she was holding up the line or else she could care less, I don't know. But it sure made me mad. I think the clerks were just as mad as I was and when I asked the clerk what that was all about, her reply to me was "you don't want to know". Oh well!!