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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

October 8, 2004


Not much exciting happening this week.


Last Friday, we came into town because I had a hair appointment and a doctor's appointment for my knee and Dave was going to announce the auto races. As it turns out, Dave's voice is still a little raspy and he didn't think he could announce for 6 hours straight, so he didn't work. After my haircut, I dropped by my old office and had lunch with my friend Bernadette. I also dropped in and saw some of the people I used to work with. It was nice visiting with them.

I went on to my doctor's appointment after lunch and he explained to me that the arthritis in my knee is why I have been having so much fluid buildup and he suggested a cortisone shot. "Will it hurt?" I asked. "No, just a little sting" was the doc's reply. WELL, let me tell you, one look at the bad boy needle he pulled out and I thought to myself, yeah right, it wouldn't hurt him at all!!. That needle must have been a half a foot long and when he injected it into my knee I could feel it go clear inside. I just about died. Before he injected this needle, he was sitting and facing me and at his suggestion, he put my knee that he was injecting on the outside of his leg. I wonder why?? Anyway, through all of the pain that I suffered, my knee is feeling 100% better. I am also taking some pills to help build up the cartilage and lubricate the joints.

The rest of the weekend was pretty nice. Saturday, I caught up with my sister and we went clothes shopping for my Mom. She had outgrown most of her pants and was having a problem getting her pants pulled up properly. Anyway, Judy and I found some good bargains and Mom was pleased with her new wardrobe. Judy and I don't usually get a chance to spend time like that together and we had fun!

Saturday afternoon, we jumped in the car and went down to Leslie's as she was throwing a party for Jason to celebrate his making sergeant. Have you ever been to a party where most of the guests are cops carrying weapons? It was just an observation. We left around 7:00 p.m. and I guess everyone else left around 11:00. Us old folks need to get our rest.

Sunday, after breakfast and doing some things for Lara, we headed back to the coast. We wanted to get back in time to see the last performance of a play that the local thespians were putting on called "Mornings at Seven". It was a Reader's Theatre and the actors/actresses stood at podiums and read their parts. There were some body language and facial expressions to help, but it was something that I had never seen before. Interesting though, and fun. They do three or four of these a year and I think we'll go back for the next one.

The rest of the week I have been painting our new office/guest room. I put a primer on the ceiling Sunday night and then Monday I put the final coat on the ceiling and put primer on the walls and then a final coat on all but one wall as I ran out of paint. My arms felt like wet noodles by the time I was done! I was under a lot of pressure to get it all done as we were having the tile installed on Thursday. As it turned out, the tile guys called and said they couldn't make it then, so we went to Tillamook and picked the stuff up ourselves. Ray spent Thursday morning getting the tile down In front of the door and on the window sills. He'll come back today and grout all the seams. That should have everything ready for the carpet installers when they show up on Tuesday. Hopefully. I'm not holding my breath...they haven't kept a schedule yet! They keep pushing us back a week. If you know anything about contractors, that seems to be the name of the game.
After Ray left for the day, I took on the challenge of painting the louvered closet door. I may be smiling in the picture, but I wasn't smiling most of the rest of the time I was painting the thing. There must be a million slats in a simple louvered bi-fold door! Anyway, the room is starting to look really nice and I will be glad when it is finished!!

The Trail Blazer pre-season will be starting soon, so that means work for us. Our first game is October 13th against Seattle and Dave will engineer that game but I will not. Then on Saturday, October 16th we will both engineer the game against Charlotte. Another season is here, and I'm having a hard time trying to muster any excitement about the team this year. Maybe after we get a few games under our belt, it will be different, but right now, I'd rather just stay down here at the coast!

We spotted a flock of brown pelicans across the bay the other day and also I have seen some winter birds arriving, such as Junkos, Golden Crowned Sparrows, Pine Siskin, Purple Finch, Chestnut-backed Chickadees and of course the Crested Steller Jays at my feeder in the yard.

Nothing to be mad about this week, I just have been too busy around the house to have any complaints.