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Click for Wheeler, Oregon Forecast

August 6, 2004


Gosh where does the time go? Another busy week for me.

We left for the big city on Thursday of last week because we had a bunch of errands to run and Dave had to announce the races on Friday and Saturday nights. We went shopping for furniture and finally ordered a table for behind the couch and two end tables. They were kind of expensive, but that will probably be the last furniture that I will ever buy. It will take 10 weeks for them to arrive and since the furniture store has a $300 delivery charge down to the coast, we will pick them up ourselves.

Since Lara and Greg had plans to go up to Ketchum Pond on Saturday, we changed our plans to stay in Portland and decided to drive back home Saturday night, or should I say Sunday after Dave finished his announcing at 12:30 AM The plan was that I was going to drop him off at the race track at 7:00 PM and then go back at 12:30 AM and pick him up so that we could head down to the coast. We either had to leave at that time or wait and leave early Sunday morning as we had promised our friends that we would give steamboat rides for their family reunion function. Well, do you think I could get any sleep between 7 and midnight? Heck NO!! Me, the person who can hardly stay awake past 10:00 PM on any given night couldn't fall asleep if she wanted to. I tried everything, I read for a while (that always makes me sleepy), watched television, but nothing helped. I finally gave up and met Dave at 12:30 and we headed for Wheeler. Since it was a full moon (a Blue Moon at that) we had our eyes peeled for deer along the way. They love to feed in that bright light. Sure enough, we did see a four-point buck when he crossed the road in front of us. That was worth the drive all by itself.



We arrived home around 2:30 AM and grabbed a few hours of sleep. Then we got the steamboat all spit and polished and steamed up for rides. It was a fun day and everyone had a great time!


The rest of this week, I have been busy working in the yard and trying to reclaim some of the landscape around here. I don't know who is winning the battle, the bushes or me! This shot shows the cleared area on the left and the unconquered jungle on the right, with the neighbor's house in the background. And that's just one corner of the yard! I keep reminding myself that once I have things under control, it will be easier next year. Yeah. Sure. I will report to you then.

Thursday, we went for an historic event. Dave signed up for his Social Security! We had to drive to Astoria, which is about an hour north of here. Since there's a Costco there, we did some shopping while we were in town. Hey, you never waste a trip to town! Next up? This weekend we are volunteering at a community fund-raising event here in town. We are helping serve meals at the Wheeler Salmon Fest on Saturday and Sunday. That should be fun, and the weather promises to be sunny too!


We have been watching the fishermen catch salmon in front of our house all week. When I hear "fish on!" from Dave, I drop everything that I am doing to watch the big catch. Some of the fish have been pretty good size. It is so funny to watch the other boats when somebody lands one because the boats all seem to congregate in that spot. Here's a shot of the fleet just below Nehalem. That's Wheeler in the background, and yeah, that IS rain over our house!


For all you cat lovers out there, I have to tell you a story of one of the reasons I don't have a cat. My daughter was taking care of her neighbor's cat while the people were gone for a week. Lara went over to their house to feed the thing and the cat had pooped and peed on everything in sight, including their bed! The poor people came home from their trip in the middle of the night and had to sleep on the floor because of the mess. I don't know how they endured the smell. There is nothing worse to me than the smell of cat urine. As true cat lovers, they blamed themselves because they had changed litter boxes just before they left for their trip and the cat didn't know any better. Maybe...but I believe the cat resented them leaving it all alone and I think if it were me, that cat would have lost one of its 9 lives just about then. Don't get me wrong, I like cats well enough, but I just don't want one in my house. We have feral cats living in our old storage building and sometimes you can smell the odor from outside. I can't begin to tell you what it smells like inside! The smell has also has chased away all the birds that I have feeding. I would love to catch them and drop them off at the humane society. If Dave catches them first, he'll probably just save us a trip. Well, that is my rant for today. I hope I haven't offended any cat lovers.

DSL is working great, the webcam is working great...life is good!